2020/21 Newly Hired Teacher Tutor: Homework and Meeting Participation. Remuneration can be decided in the school contract.


Training and test period for newly hired teachers and for those who have obtained the change of position. Educational activities for the 2020-2021 academic year. The Official Note of the Ministry of Education has been published. We delve into the crucial role of the TUTOR teacher, who supports the teacher on the path of the first year with professional supervision tasks.

The teacher Tutor accompanies the teacher on the training itinerary throughout the school year

The Ministry of Education confirmed the total duration of the course, quantified in an official Note also for 2020/21 50 hours of effort, considering:

  • face-to-face training / workshops;
  • observation in class, Tutor-Teacher and vice versa (also to be structured using specific operational tools);
  • professional reworking, which makes use of the tools of the “assessment of competencies”, the “professional portfolio” and the “agreement for the development of training”, according to the models that it will provide INDIRE in online digital support.

When and how the teacher Tutor is indicated

In September, the Director, after consulting the Board of Professors and attaching proposals or candidacies, appoints the TUTOR teacher to work alongside the newly hired teacher; It should ensure the connection with didactic work in the field for newcomers, especially those who come to teaching for the first time.

Does the Tutor have to teach the same discipline as the newly hired teacher?

The Ministry uses the adverb preferably:

Each teacher in a probationary period will be assigned a reference tutor, preferably from the same discipline, subject area or type of chair and who works in the same complex ”.

How many teachers can be accompanied by a single Tutor?

The ratio cannot exceed the quota of three teachers entrusted to the same tutor.

Is the participation of the teacher Tutor expected during the initial training meeting?

The official note says:

It is recommended that initial informational meetings for newly hired teachers, even for differentiated groups, be scheduled in each territory as of October 2020 with online mode. During these meetings, indications will be given on the different phases of the training itinerary and the support materials for the subsequent management of the activities will be illustrated. The information should help teachers to better integrate into the dynamics of professional life, also with indications of an operational nature (for example, the usefulness of accessing the benefits of the Espero social security system). The participation of the tutor teacher is allowed upon request.. Therefore, it is not mandatory.

And the final match?

Yes, a professional meeting is planned that sees the participation and testimonies of the direct protagonists of the training events (for example, teachers who participate in particularly interesting workshops, tutor, school leaders).

N.B.: The time to dedicate to the initial and final meetings is equal to 6 hours in total.

Be careful not to confuse the tutor teacher and the labs tutor trainer

The structure of the face-to-face or online training workshops involves the use of 12 hours of training. Based on the content offered, the level of detail, the operational dimension, differentiated solutions may be adopted, with variable duration of the modules (3 hours, 6 hours or more). The Laboratories will have an operational guide: the Tutor-trainer, a figure other than the Tutor who supports the newly placed in the training course of the trial year.

The teacher Tutor must be “welcoming”

Regarding the observation in the classroom – Tutor observes Professor and vice versa – the provisions of article 9 of Ministerial Decree 850/2015 are confirmed. The activity to be carried out at the school is equal to 12 hours. In this context, it is important to improve the figure of the tutor who must have the characteristics of a welcoming tutor of university students in TFA, active training practices (DM 249/2010).

Article 11. paragraph 3:

“The tutors of the apprentices have the task of guiding the students regarding the organizational and didactic structures of the school and the various activities and practices in the classroom, to accompany and monitor the inclusion in the classroom and the direct management of the processes teachers of the apprentices. “

The professional and financial recognition of the Tutor

To recognize the commitment of the tutor During the test and training year, the activities carried out (planning, collation, documentation and possible participation in the initial and final meetings referred to in letter a) the note specifies that can be certified and recognized by the Director as training foreseen in Article 1, section 124, of Law 107/2015.

As to economic salary the note, like every year, says nothing. Tutors may receive financial compensation within the resources allocated to the school for the improvement of the educational offer. Of course, the fees must be established in the Institute’s supplemental negotiation process.

It is preferable to appoint a different tutor for teachers who repeat the test year

Also for teachers who have to repeat a new trial and training period, the appointment of a tutor teacher should be foreseen, possibly different of what accompanied him in the first year of service.

Principal and tutor collaborate frequently

The teaching and guidance task, as well as the legal guarantee, is entrusted to the director of the school, since the law assigns him the function of verifying and evaluating the professionalism of the teachers who aspire to be confirmed in the position. For this, the commitment of the Director is reconfirmed in the observation and visit of the classes where the newly hired teachers work. The Ministry – we read in the note – recommends frequent contact between the Director and the Tutors.
