“20 thousand deaths could have been avoided”


Waler ricciardi

Infections are not decreasing as expected and there are still hundreds of deaths from COVID-19: the latest figure, relative to December 6, is 18,887 new cases and 564 deaths. Walter Ricciadi, councilor of the Ministry of Health sounds the alarm: «It is important to respect the rules. We are still in the middle of the second wave of Covid, and December and January will be two terrible months for two reasons: because of the problems of access to services and because of the many regional differences ”. Per Ricciardi, Professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome and Scientific Director of the Maugeri Scientific Clinical Institutes «It is still essential to continue Compliance with regulations, both individually and by institutional bodies, because if the measures are relaxed too soon, not only will the trend not be reversed, but the risk is that we will find ourselves facing very difficult months, in the that will run Covid and the flu. together. Because the coronavirus continues to circulate significantly, and does not respect regional borders ”. An alarm launched the day after the announcement. in the wake of Abruzzo it declared orange beforehand and by autonomous choice.

Goodbye to the maxifamilies for the end of the year celebrations. If the Scientific Technical Committee renews the invitation to avoid meetings and to limit social contacts as much as possible, Ricciardi joins the chorus of experts: “We were also used to family gatherings with 15-20 people, but this year we can’t. I will celebrate it with my wife and my daughters.

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“Don’t loosen too early or give the impression that the yellow zone is clear. Otherwise, Ricciardi emphatically stresses, there is a risk that the epidemic wave will worsen further. If, on the contrary, we hold firm, the real decline in new cases will come in January, as will the decline in deaths. But beware, he warns, being able to reduce the curve is not inevitable: if it is not understood that the evidence is valid for all of Italy and that the virus knows no borders, there is a risk that the curve will grow again. And it is precisely here that we expect the highest number of flu cases. A nightmare scenario for early 2021.

Not vaccinate infected and cured Italians? For Ricciardi, it is more a matter of organization: «The vaccine doses will be limited at the beginning, so they will first be reserved for the subjects most exposed by risk or age. Therefore the health workers and the essentials, as well as the most fragile subjects, which are the elderly hospitalized in structures and those who are at home.

Galli: don’t repeat the mistakes of summer

“If you can establish a favorable trend, it means that the measures are working. But this does not mean that we should lower our guard, so as not to repeat the mistakes made in the summer. We have had 20 thousand deaths that we could have avoided. Massimo Galli, the infectious disease specialist at the Sacco university hospital in Milan, guest of ‘Agorà’ at RaiTre, highlighted this.

Last updated: 15:09

