In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 1,825,775 people (including those recovered and dead) have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 19,903, + 1.1% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +18,727), while I deaths today I am 649, + 1% (yesterday they were +761), for a total of 64,036 victims since February. People retrieved or downloaded I am 1,076,891 usually: 24,728 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 2.3% (yesterday they were +24,169). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – are in total 684,848, equal to -5,475 compared to yesterday, -0.8% (yesterday they were -6.204). There decrease in current positives -with the minus sign in front- depends on whether those recovered, added to the deceased, are in greater numbers than in the new cases.
me tampons They were 196,439, or 6,023 more than yesterday when there were 190,416. While the positivity rate He was born in 10.1% (the approximation of 10.131%): means that of 100 swabs performed, more than 10 were positive; yesterday it was 9.9%. This percentage gives an idea of the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
More infections in 24 hours than yesterdayBut they are below 20,000 for the seventh day in a row, with a proportion of tampon cases increasing slightly from 9.8% to 10.1% (and stabilizing at around 10%). Although the Rt index has dropped to 0.82 and we are “in a phase of decline”, the incidence of cases is still high, equal to 193 per 100,000 inhabitants (calculated in one week until December 9), as explained . the president of the ISS Silvio Brusaferro. “The incidence is still a distant number, I repeat, far from our ability to quickly track all new cases”, emphasizes Brusaferro. It should be noted that fewer analyzes were conducted throughout the week: daily tests never reached the 200,000 threshold, also thanks to the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and they do not increase on weekends.
The situation in Veneto does not improve, struggling with high data. The Zaia region, which has been the most affected since December 5, today registers its historical record of new positives (+5,098), surpassing the peak of +4,197 of December 10, with more than 100 victims (today 110) for the third time. consecutive day.
The pressure on the health system continues to decrease. THE hospitalized in ordinary Covid wards I am 28,066 in total: here the occupied beds are -496 compared to the previous day (yesterday -526). While the most seriously ill of intensive care (IT) are 3,199 total: the number of beds occupied in resuscitation is -66 compared to the previous day (yesterday -26), but they entered +195 people in IT (yesterday +208): it means that in the last 24 hours they have left these departments 266 patients (195 + 66) as improved or dead.
It is likely that some of the deaths occurred in the hospital, leading to a decrease in hospital stays. These are conjectures because we have no data on this.
Here all the newsletters from February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
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The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and divided by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.
Lombardy 441,327: +2,736 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +2,938)
Veneto 186,549: +5,098 cases, + 2.8% (yesterday +3,883)
Piedmont 184,527: +1,443 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1,553)
Campania 172,746: +1,414 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1,340)
Emilia romagna 142,816: +1,807 cases, + 1.3% (yesterday +1,211)
Lazio 138,337: +1,194 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +1,230)
Tuscany 111,671: +574 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +657)
Sicily 77,382: +1,016 cases, + 1.3% (yesterday +999)
Apulia 71,797: +1,478 cases, + 2.1% (yesterday +1,813)
Liguria 55,287: +263 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +340)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 39,516: +884 cases, + 2.3% (yesterday +843)
Market 34,317: +451 cases, + 1.3% (yesterday +483)
Abruzzo 31,740: +277 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +262)
PA Bolzano 26,533: +250 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +252)
Umbria 26,045: +211 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +219)
Sardinia 25,645: +168 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +198)
Calabria 19,568: +235 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +158)
PA Trento 18198: +222 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +160)
Basilicata 9,375: +85 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +104)
Aosta Valley 6,837: +25 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +11)
Molise 5,562: +72 cases, + 1.3% (yesterday +73)
Article updating …
December 12, 2020 (change December 12, 2020 | 17:45)