190 dead under 40, mostly men



Covid Italy, number: 190 deaths under 40, mostly men

737 of 63,573 – equivalent to 1.2% – Sars-CoV-2 positive patients died before the age of 50, and 190 of them were under the age of 40 (117 men and 73 women between 0 and 39 years old). years). This is what emerges from the report ‘Characteristics of patients who died positive for Sars-CoV-2 infection in Italy’ prepared by the Higher Institute of Health and updated on December 16.

No clinical information is available for 41 patients under 40 years of age; of the rest of the patients, 130 had pre-existing serious pathologies (cardiovascular, renal, psychiatric pathologies, diabetes, obesity) and 19 had not been diagnosed with significant pathologies.

In general, however, the average age of positive deceased patients is 80 years. There are 27,132 women (42.7%). The mean age of the deceased is more than 30 years older than that of the patients who contracted the infection (patients who died 82 years – patients with infection 48 years). Women who have lost their lives are older than men (women 85 – men 80).

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