175 in the Lecce area. Significant increases in 8 towns in Lecce. 1610 hospitalized


PUGLIA – The guard remains high in Salento, where the intensive therapies of Brindisi and Lecce have been filled with patients from the north of Puglia. At Fazzi there is a fight between departments limited by some positive results and endless waiting lists. The data updated to yesterday tell us that 30 patients have been hospitalized in the DEA’s covid intensive care unit, since October 23, of which 13 from Foggia and 11 from Salento: a total of 14 have died. Symptoms don’t go away. The healed number 10,240. The number of inmates is 1,610. SARS-CoV-2 stands out as a wave over 8 other countries in the province of Lecce, which change bands on the epidemiological map. Nardò amounts to more than 51 infections. Lizzanello stabilizes in the 21-50 range, currently positive. Civil protection reports new positive aspects to Giuggianello. Cannole rises in the positive 6-10 range. Melissano 21-50 cases, Corigliano d’Otranto 21-50, Scorrano is in the range 11-20 and Miggiano between 6 and 10 cases.


Today, Friday, November 20, 2020 in Puglia, 10,102 tests were registered for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection and 1,456 positive cases emerged: 478 in the province of Bari, 91 in the province of Brindisi, 187 in the province BAT, 405 in the province of Foggia, 175 in the province of Lecce, 115 in the province of Taranto, 10 residents outside the region, 5 cases of unknown residence have been reclassified and attributed.

16 deaths were recorded: 4 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of Brindisi, 2 in the province of BAT, 7 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce, 1 in the province of Taranto.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 702 823 tests have been carried out.

10,240 are recovered patients.

Currently 29,434 are positive cases.

The total number of positive cases in Puglia Covid is 40,803, as follows:

15,981 in the province of Bari;

4,597 in the province of Bat;

2,799 in the province of Brindisi;

9,436 in the province of Foggia;

3,136 in the province of Lecce;

4,562 in the province of Taranto;

292 attributed to residents outside the region.


Free-choice Apulian general practitioners and pediatricians will be able to care for the patient with covid symptoms, reserve the molecular swab, perform quick swabs for close asymptomatic contacts, and organize the successful fiduciary isolation of the swab, setting the start and end date of the quarantine .

This is what the memorandum of understanding signed today between the Puglia region, general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice offers.

“The Puglia Region – declares President Emiliano – classifies general practitioners and pediatricians in the fight against covid. They will take care of following patients who are in home care, the Region will also support them through telemedicine and together, the Region, general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice, will build the new model of hospital that is decentralized in the homes of citizens, not only for covid but more generally for all manageable situations at home that require care and assistance. “

For the Councilor for Health Policies, Pier Luigi Lopalco “As of today we have thousands of doctors in the field who know their patients, the territory, and could be decisive to contain the pandemic and limit hospitalizations, providing buffers, quarantines and bringing home care. I thank the doctors for their commitment, which will be a great step forward in the fight against the virus and will also bring some relief to colleagues in the Prevention Departments ”.

“The agreement signed today -explains the director of the Department of Health Policies, Vito Montanaro- recognizes the national agreement and complements it with actions that will allow basic doctors and pediatricians to play a fundamental role in the management of the pandemic and carry out tests on the new model of community care that will also use telemedicine ”.

“The agreement signed today – declares Donato Monopoli, Fimmg – represents an evolution of general medicine in the area, it gives a great margin of activity and cohesion within the region. Therefore, it allows citizens to take advantage of a series of services provided by the GP, free up some bureaucratic ties and continue to be followed, as we have done so far, by their GP ”.

“This agreement – declares Luigi Nigri, pediatricians at Fimp – is important for all the citizens of Apulia.

Everyone sees what you are living, a dramatic moment. We could not hold back and we did it with conviction. For us a great assumption of responsibility, greater than we have ever had. We ask for the collaboration, above all, of citizens and parents, because we are pediatricians, and we want our children to have a more peaceful future. We are close to his parents and especially his grandparents ”.

For Anna Lampugnani, from “Intesa”, “at this very serious time, we are of the opinion that general medicine must fully fulfill its role, with the collaboration of all parts of the system and with respect for the competencies of all”.

With the memorandum of understanding it was decided to strengthen the territorial response to the emergency situation faced, enhancing the professional contribution of General Medicine and PLS, as the first contact of the patient, and the capillarity of medical studies, implementing the territorial network of surveillance, diagnosis and home therapy for COVID-19 patients to contain infections and reduce pressure on hospitals.

For this reason, guidelines were issued for the diagnosis of Sars Covid 19 also before the arrival of seasonal flu, for the treatment of patients and the identification of Covid cases and close contacts.

The activities will be: clinical care of the symptomatic patient, reserve of tampons for symptomatic patients, strengthening actions and support for public health actions, execution of rapid tampons for asymptomatic close contacts after 10 days of quarantine.

Once the diagnosis of a suspected case has been made, doctors and pediatricians, through the computer platform, will reserve the molecular diagnostic swab or in “drive in” mode or for fragile or non-transportable patients, they will notify the competent department.

Doctors and pediatricians will have a positive swab result, the isolation start and end period also for their patients in cases of close contact.

Physicians and pediatricians will also ensure the performance of the rapid antigen swab, in their own offices or in other facilities identified by the ASL through local conventions. The supply of the pads will be in charge of the extraordinary Commissioner for the emergency of the covid, through the autonomous civil protection who will also provide the necessary PPE.

The patient target for rapid tests refers, among other things, to patients receiving care “asymptomatic close contacts” at the end of the 10 days of isolation identified by the GP or PLS, or patients in care ” asymptomatic close contacts “at the end of the 10 days of isolation identified and reported by the Prevention Department pending rapid swab or case of suspected contact that the GP or PLS has to visit and who decides to undergo a rapid test.
