I’m 17,083 i new cases of coronavirus in Italy (yesterday they were +13,114, here the newsletter). Come out so at least 2,955,434 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including those recovered and killed) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 343 (yesterday it was +246), for a total of 98,288 victims as of February 2020. While people recovered or discharged I’m 2,426,150 usually: 10,057 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today (+10,894 yesterday). He positive current – subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 430,996, equal to +6,663 compared to yesterday (+1,966 the day before). the rise of positive current today – with the pi sign in front – because the cured, added to the deaths, are fewer than in the new cases.
The swabs and the stage
I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 335,983, 165,350 more than yesterday when they were 170,633. While the positivity rate 5.1% (the 5.08% approximation): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 5 were positive; yesterday it was 7.7%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
As of January 15, this percentage of cases / swabs calculated also counting rapid tests, therefore lower than that of the bulletins prior to January 15 and it is not possible to make comparisons with the history.
More infections in 24 hours than yesterday, versus many more tampons. The curve always rises on Tuesdays due to a notable increase in the processed analyzes compared to Monday, generally reaching its highest points in the middle of the week. The case / test ratio decreased (happens with more swabs) and stands at 5.1% from 7.7% the day before. But last Tuesday +13,314 cases were reported with a rate of 4.4% and from the comparison with today we understand that the situation is getting worse. With these amounts it is not possible to activate tracking, skipped at the end of October. There is concern about the spread of the variants (the Nigerian was also isolated in Brescia) and there are fears of a spike in daily infections in the coming weeks. Recall that the peak of +40,902 cases dates from November 13 (it is impossible to make a comparison with the positivity rate at that time, since the addition of rapid tests has changed this percentage).
The most affected region by the number of new positives, it is again the Lombardy (+3,762) – yesterday was Emilia-Romagna – with over 42,000 tampons. Above two thousand it follows: Campania (+2,046) ed Emilia romagna (+2,040). Having more than a thousand infected a day are instead: Piedmont (+1,609) with a sharp increase, Veneto (+1,228) who did 42,712 swabs, which is the highest number of regional tests of the day, Lazio (+1,188), Tuscany (+1.058) e Apulia (+1,021). All the other regions register a two or three digit increase, with the exception of Valle d’Aosta which marks +6.
The victims
The victims increase in 24 hours: they are 343 against 246 yesterday (97 more). They are more than 300 again, after four days below this threshold. Only the The Aosta Valley has not died for a week, while the highest number of deaths in Lombardy (+55 deaths), Emilia romagna (+44) my Apulia (+40) e Campania (+36) Having more than 20 in mourning are: Lazio (+29), Veneto (+22) my Piedmont (+20)
The health system
Hospitalizations, ordinary and otherwise, continue to rise. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I’m +458 (yesterday +474), for a total of 19,570 hospitalized. I beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I’m +38 (yesterday +58), bringing the total of more seriously ill to 2,327. The variation in the number of occupied beds, in critical and non-critical areas, indicates the balance between patients who left and those who entered in the last 24 hours. Indeed, I new entrants in IT I’m +222 (yesterday +171). The highest number of people in intensive care in Lombardy (+59), Veneto (+21) and Piedmont (+20).

I beef
The doses of vaccine administered have ended. 4.4 millions. The citizens who have received the second dose are more than 1.4 million. Here the map is updated nightly and here the real-time data from the Covid-19 vaccine report on the government website.
Here all the newsletters from February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
The Corriere has created a newsletter on the coronavirus. free: sign up here.
The cases region by region
The data provided below, and broken down by region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 608,978: +3,762 cases (yesterday +2,135) with 42,052 swabs
Veneto 335,478: +1,228 cases (yesterday +603) with 42,712 swabs
Campania 271,561: +2,046 cases (yesterday +1,896) with 15,260 swabs
Emilia romagna 265,214: + 2,040 * cases (yesterday +2,597) with 40,971 swabs
Piedmont 249,898: +1,609 cases (yesterday +1,155) with 23,240 swabs
Lazio 236,460: +1,188 cases (yesterday +1,044) with 37,871 swabs
Tuscany 158,170: +1,058 cases (yesterday +877) with 23,324 swabs
Sicily 153,602: +566 cases (yesterday +478) with 24,743 swabs
Apulia 148,702: +1,021 cases (yesterday +631) with 9,322 swabs
Liguria 78,624: +337 cases (yesterday +309) with 7,595 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 77,463: +479 cases (yesterday +172) with 9,579 swabs
Market 68,718: +415 cases (yesterday +446) with 7,094 swabs
Abruzzo 54,910: +246 cases (yesterday +199) with 6,055 swabs
PA Bolzano 54,161: +236 cases (yesterday +121) with 21,258 swabs
Umbria 45,051: +289 cases (yesterday +79) with 6,516 swabs
Sardinia 41,306: +70 cases (yesterday +45) with 10,613 swabs
Calabria 38,133: +102 cases (yesterday +151) with 2,081 swabs
PA Trento 34,335: +220 cases (yesterday +57) with 3,060 swabs
Basilicata 15,857: +147 cases (yesterday +75) with 1,850 swabs
Molise 10,750: +18 cases (yesterday +41) with 516 swabs
Aosta Valley 8,063: +6 cases (yesterday +3) with 271 swabs
Deaths region by region
The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 28,458: +55 deaths (yesterday +42)
Veneto 9874: +22 deaths (+5 yesterday)
Campania 4,334: +36 deaths (+20 yesterday)
Emilia romagna 10,610: +44 deaths (yesterday +23)
Piedmont 9,395: +20 deaths (+6 yesterday)
Lazio 5,940: +29 deaths (yesterday +28)
Tuscany 4,699: +13 deaths (yesterday +18)
Sicily 4,170: +14 deaths (yesterday +18)
Apulia 3,992: +40 deaths (yesterday +29)
Liguria 3,644: +8 kills (+6 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 2,856: +12 deaths (+3 yesterday)
Market 2,275: +16 deaths (+7 yesterday)
Abruzzo 1,720: +11 deaths (yesterday +8)
PA Bolzano 1,043: +4 deaths (yesterday +8)
Umbria 1,062: +6 kills (+6 yesterday)
Sardinia 1,170: +4 deaths (yesterday +8)
Calabria 693: +5 deaths (+5 yesterday)
PA Trento 1,209: +1 death (yesterday +2)
Basilicata 375: +1 death (yesterday +3)
Molise 354: +2 kills (yesterday +1)
Aosta Valley 415: No new deaths for the seventh day in a row
* Emilia-Romagna announces that 20 cases have been eliminated, positive by antigen test but not confirmed by molecular swab.
March 2, 2021 (change March 2, 2021 | 18:24)