16,310 new cases and 475 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 2,368,733 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 16,310, + 0.7% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +16,146), of which 1,821 cases identified through rapid tests, included in the January 15 newsletter. THE deaths today I am 475, + 0.6% (yesterday they were +477), for a total of 81,800 victims from February 2020. People retrieved or downloaded I am 1,729,216 usually: 16,186 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 0.9% (yesterday they were +18.979). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be a total of 557,717, equal to -351 compared to yesterday, -0.1% (yesterday they were -3.312). There decrease in current positives today – with the minus sign in front – it depends on the cured, added to the deaths, being in greater numbers than in the new cases.

me total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 260,704 (of which 97,474 fasted), or 12,802 less overall than yesterday when there were 273,506. While the positivity rate He was born in 6.3% (the approximation of 6.256%): means that of 100 swabs performed, more than 6 were positive; yesterday it was 5.9%. Caution: this percentage is calculated by also counting rapid tests as of January 15, so it is much lower due to the effect of this type of analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible to make comparisons of these data with your historian. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.

More infections in 24 hours than yesterday, but only a few more. New infections are above the threshold of 15 thousand for the fourth day in a row. Although yesterday the report of swab cases – the positivity rate – collapsed due to the introduction of rapid tests, today it begins to rise slightly again, reaching 6.3% compared to 5.9% on Friday. It is not a good sign. The situation does not allow resuming monitoring, as highlighted by the weekly monitoring of the ISS. And even if a spike in the post-Christmas curve has been avoided, the next two weeks will be crucial to understanding how the scenario will evolve, towards improvement or not, with the introduction of the new DPCM.

The Lombardy It is the region most affected for the fourth consecutive day (+2,134, here the bulletin) -the only one above 2,000-, followed as yesterday Sicily (+1.954) and immediately after is the Veneto (+1,929). With a four-digit increment, they appear in descending order: Emilia romagna (+1,674), Lazio (+1,282), Campania (+1,132), Puglia (+1,123) e Piedmont which returns over a thousand (+1,056, here the newsletter). All other regions have an increment of two or three numbers.

The death toll remains high: 475 in 24 hours compared to 477 the day before. Campania reports zero deaths in the bulletin published by the Ministry of Health, but based on data from the regional crisis unit they appear 23 dead (link here). the greater number of the deaths are in Lombardy (+78 deaths), Veneto (+73), Piedmont (+62) and Emilia-Romagna (+48).

Pressure on the healthcare system continues to decline. It happens for the fourth day in a row. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I am -57 (yesterday -269), for a total of 22,784 hospitalized. While the number of beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I am -2 (yesterday -35), bringing the total of more seriously ill a 2,520. Who and new additions to IT I am +170 (yesterday +156). The largest number of new IT employees is in Veneto (+30), Emilia-Romagna (+21) and Sicily (+16), as shown in the table below.

Coronavirus in Italy, today's newsletter, January 16: 16,310 new cases and 475 deaths

me vaccinated citizens I am more than 1 millionTo be precise 1,059,294 according to the data of January 16 provided at 10.45, as indicated by the “Report on vaccines against Covid-19” continuously updated on the government website and available here.

Here all the newsletters of February 29. Here the latest news of the day.

The Corriere has created a newsletter on the coronavirus. It’s free: sign up here.

The cases region by region

The data provided below, and broken down by region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.

Lombardy 512,563: +2,134 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +2,205) with 35,317 swabs
Veneto 296,803: +1,929 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +1,079) with 36,262 swabs
Piedmont 212,265: +1,056 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +871) with 24,375 swabs
Campania 206,128: +1,132 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +1,150) with 14,611 swabs
Emilia romagna 200,552: +1,674 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1,794) with 20,812 swabs
Lazio 188,400: +1,282 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +1,394) with 29,848 swabs
Tuscany 127,446: +436 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +446) with 14,526 swabs
Sicily 119,290: +1,954 cases, + 1.7% (yesterday +1,945) with 25,097 swabs
Apulia 108,520: +1,123 cases, + 1% (yesterday +1,295) with 11,897 swabs
Liguria 65,535: +321 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +254) with 6,084 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 60,381: +870 cases, + 1.5% (yesterday +919) with 9,181 swabs
Market 49,671: +409 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +629) with 5,813 swabs
Abruzzo 39,030: +196 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +240) with 4,251 swabs
Sardinia 35,572: +368 cases, + 1% (yesterday +260) with 3,282 swabs
PA Bolzano 33,211: +496 cases, + 1.5% (yesterday +529) with 7,497 swabs
Umbria 32,150: +241 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +232) with 4,176 swabs
Calabria 28,722: +295 cases, + 1% (yesterday +405) with 2,886 swabs
PA Trento 24,938: +186 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +362) with 3,434 swabs
Basilicata 12,452: +87 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +78) with 90 swabs
Aosta Valley 7621: +20 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +20) with 194 swabs
Molise 7,483: +101 cases, + 1.4% (yesterday +39) with 1,071 swabs

Deaths region by region

The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 26,172: +78 deaths (yesterday +68)
Veneto 7932: +73 deaths (yesterday +74)
Piedmont 8,381: +62 deaths (+20 yesterday)
Campania 3,335: no deaths *, see note below (yesterday +37)
Emilia romagna 8,705: +48 deaths (yesterday +67)
Lazio 4,378: +36 deaths (yesterday +36)
Tuscany 3,957: +17 deaths (yesterday +10)
Sicily 2,954: +38 deaths (yesterday +39)
Apulia 2,825: +15 deaths (yesterday +31)
Liguria 3,104: +20 deaths (+10 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 2,070: +35 deaths (yesterday +29)
Market 1,772: +9 deaths (yesterday +10)
Abruzzo 1317: +6 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Sardinia 898: +10 deaths (yesterday +13)
PA Bolzano 807: +5 deaths (yesterday +6)
Umbria 689: +7 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Calabria 532: +2 deaths (+4 yesterday)
PA Trento 1,058: +7 deaths (yesterday +10)
Basilicata 291: +2 deaths (yesterday +3)
Aosta Valley 393: +1 death (yesterday there were no new deaths)
Molise 230: +4 deaths (+4 yesterday)

* In the bulletin published by the Ministry of Health, Campania seems to have no deaths in the last 24, but according to data from the regional crisis unit there are 23 deaths, as indicated in the press release.

Jan 16, 2021 (change Jan 16, 2021 | 21:42)

