
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, September 11, 2020. Coronavirus infections in Italy continue to increase: 1,616 cases have been registered in the last 24 hours (yesterday they were 1,597). From the data of the Ministry of Health, however, a stable situation emerges for the victims, 10 as yesterday. Overall, since the beginning of the pandemic, those infected in Italy have become 284,796 with 35,597 victims. No region yesterday without cases, with Lombardy still in the lead with 257 more infections than the previous day.
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The growth of patients hospitalized for Covid 19 in intensive care also continues: to date, according to data from the Ministry of Health, there are 175, eleven more than on Thursday. The number of people currently positive is also growing – 1,059 in a single day, for a total of 36,767 – of those hospitalized in other hospital wards (a total of 1,849, 13 more than yesterday) and of people in home isolation (1,035 more than yesterday for a total of 34,743). Nearly 99,000 swabs have been done in the last 24 hours, about 4,700 more than yesterday.
«Of almost 12 thousand tampons today in Lazio – comments the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato – there are 148 cases of these 98 are in Rome and one death. Swabs increase and cases decrease. At ASL Roma 2, epidemiological monitoring and research is being carried out in some places of aggregation of the Peruvian community. In ASL Roma 1 there are 34 cases in the last 24 hours and of these twenty-six are cases of return, twenty-two with links from Sardinia, two from Tuscany, one from Spain and one from Abruzzo. A case has a family link with an already known and isolated case. In ASL Roma 2 there are 59 cases in the last 24 hours and among these forty-three cases of return, five with links from Sardinia, thirty are contacts from the Peruvian community, four from Romania, two from Bangladesh, one from Egypt and one from Ukraine. . Nine are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 3 there are 5 cases in the last 24 hours and there are four return cases, three with links from Sardinia and one from Campania.
In ASL Roma 4 there are 9 cases in the last 24 hours and there are five cases with links from Sardinia, one identified on the recommendation of the general practitioner and three cases identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 5 there are 13 cases in the last 24 hours and there are four return cases, two with links from Sardinia, one from Veneto and one from Marche. Nine are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 6 there are 16 cases in the last 24 hours and there are five return cases, three with links from Sardinia, one from Switzerland and one from Emilia-Romagna. One case identified in the emergency room access and seven are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In the provinces there are 12 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In the ASL of Latina there are four cases and of these two are cases of return, one from Puglia and the other from Lombardy. A case is a contact of an already known and isolated case. In the Asl di Frosinone there are four cases and there are three return cases, two with links from Sardinia and one from Albania. One case identified in the emergency room access. In Asl di Rieti there are three cases and there are two cases of return from Albania and one from Malta. In the ASL of Viterbo there is a case of return from Slovenia ».
There are 140 new cases of coronavirus in Campania, 49 of which are related to returns to the region or related to previous positive returns. 7,293 swabs are currently being tested. The total of positives in Campania since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 8,900, while the total of swabs examined is 489,060. The Crisis Unit of the Campania Region announces that there is a new death linked to the coronavirus. The total of deaths in Campania amounts to 451. There are 16 new cured, with a total of 4,584 (of which 4,580 completely cured and 4 clinically cured.
“To date, 170,074 swabs have been made in Calabria. People who tested positive for Coronavirus are 1,683 (+8 compared to yesterday), the negative are 168,391 “. It can be read in the Calabria Region newsletter, which then continues:” Territorially, the positive cases are distributed as follows way: Catanzaro: 13 in the ward; 27 in home isolation; 186 recovered; 33 deceased. Cosenza: 10 in the ward; 3 in intensive care; 84 in home isolation; 460 recovered; 34 deceased. Reggio Calabria: 4 in the ward ; 88 in home isolation; 297 cured; 19 deceased. Crotone: 1 in the ward; 20 in home isolation; 116 healed; 6 deceased. Vibo Valentia: 6 in home isolation; 85 recovered; 5 deceased. Another Region or Foreign State: 186 (the total also includes the deceased in the Cosenza intensive care unit who was a resident outside the region) “. Then the bulletin adds: «Hospitalized patients from the Out of Region area (8) and migrants (1) were included in the counts of the respective wards. In total, there are 13 hospitalizations in the Catanzaro hospital, 5 of which refer to non-residents. Ten patients admitted to the AO in Cosenza, of these three are “non-residents”, while the patient discharged from Cosenza was placed in an environment outside the region. There are 53 migrants managed by the ASP of Cosenza and in the bulletin they are included in the Other Region or Foreign State scenario. Also in Cosenza today there are 4 cases: 3 of contact tracing and one of return. In Reggio Calabria there are two new cases attributable to the Oppido outbreak ”. The total number of Catanzaro cases, the bulletin concludes, “includes subjects from other structures that have been discharged over time. Since the last survey, a total of 2,740 people have registered on the Calabria Region portal to communicate their presence in the regional territory. The count also includes the two patients from Bergamo transferred to Catanzaro, while the numbers of the infection received after the communication of the data to National Civil Protection are not included ”.
Aosta Valley
Three new positive cases in Covid in Valle D’Aosta that led to 33 infections, of which 2 were hospitalized and 31 in home isolation. This was announced by the regional bulletin, specifying that the total number of cases is 1,257, 1,078 cured, and 26,188 swabs carried out to date.
In Piedmont, 57 more infections are registered today, compared to yesterday, after the result of 3,268 smears. In 48 cases they are asymptomatic, 15 are imported. The daily bulletin of the regional crisis unit reports 30 cured, 373 patients in recovery. Even today the number of hospitalized in intensive care has remained unchanged, 9, while in the rest of the wards there has been a decrease of 8 patients: in total today there are 102. There are 1,849 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 631,085, of which 353,415 were negative.
Last updated: 17:48