Usually the bulletin Mondays always register sharp drops in terms of numbers, and instead this time it is much more worrying than one might expect after last week was positive from an epidemiological point of view. In the last 24 hours they have only registered 16377 contagion (4 thousand less than yesterday), but this is attributable to the number of tampons that collapsed to 130,524 (with a positive rate of 12.5%). The most alarming data are always those related to dead: has been 672, still many and above all on the rise compared to yesterday’s 541 that herald the beginning of a decline. But the situation remains very serious, especially for the national health system, whose figures are difficult to interpret because they are strongly influenced by a mortality too high in Italy: 33,187 hospitalized patients with symptoms in Covid wards (+308, after several days with a minus sign), while those in intensive care are 3,744 (-9). It seems to witness a bit of the same March-April situation, in which deaths were an alarming number compared to infections.