In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 1,953,185 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 15,104, + 0.8% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +16,308), while I deaths today I am 352, + 0.5% (yesterday they were +553), for a total of 68,799 victims since February. People recovered or discharged I am 1,261,626 usually: 12,156 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 1% (yesterday they were +23,384). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be in total 622,760, equal to +2,594 compared to yesterday, + 0.4% (yesterday they were -7.632).
me tampons They were 137,420, or 38,765 less than yesterday when there were 176,185. While the positivity rate Dell ‘eleven% (the 10.99% approximation): means that 11 out of 100 swabs performed were positive; yesterday it was 9.2%. This percentage gives an idea of the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
Fewer infections in 24 hours than yesterday, compared to fewer tampons. The weekend effect begins in analyzes that last until Monday: today there are fewer buffers for Saturday than for midweek. The same effect will be seen tomorrow due to the lower amount of evidence processed on Sunday. In addition, we remind you that the tests throughout the week have never touched 200 thousand units and the record of 254 thousand. However, the incidence is still high, so as not to allow tracking (it is necessary to go down to less than 10 thousand cases) and the report of cases in tampons that passes from 9.2% to 11%. This is not a good sign. In addition, there is concern about the new variant of the virus. The English variant is no longer bad, but has a greater ability to spread, says infectious disease specialist Massimo Galli.
the Veneto it remains the most affected region since December 5 (+3,869 cases). They follow in descending order: Lombardy (+1,795), Emilia romagna (+1,751) e Lazio (+1,213). All other regions have three- or two-digit uppercase and lowercase increments. Below the detail.
The pressure on hospitals continues to decrease. THE hospitalized in Covid common rooms there are 25,158 in total: here the occupied beds are -206 (yesterday -405). While the most seriously ill of intensive care (IT) are 2,743 total: the number of beds occupied in resuscitation is -41 (yesterday -35), but they are +121 people join IT (yesterday +160), and Campania did not provide this data. If the number of beds occupied in the ICU decreased by 41 units, but 121 people entered the ICU, it means that in the last 24 hours they left the ICU. 162 patients (121 + 41) as improved or deceased.
Victims are declining: there are less than 400 for the first time in December. To see a comparable number of deaths you have to go back to November 9 (there were 356). Only the Basilicata records zero deaths, while the highest number of deaths in Emilia romagna (+60 deaths), Veneto (+52) my Lombardy (+49). Below are the details of all regions.
Here all the newsletters of February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
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The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.
Lombardy 459,218: +1,795 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +1,944)
Veneto 216,923: +3,869 cases, + 1.8% (yesterday +3,834)
Piedmont 189,357: +829 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +638)
Campania 180,568: +891 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +949)
Emilia romagna 155,593: +1,751 cases, + 1.1% (yesterday +1,641)
Lazio 149,018: +1,213 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1,410)
Tuscany 115,783: +483 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +540)
Sicily 84,529: +792 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +878)
Apulia 80,599: +791 cases, + 1% (yesterday +1,382)
Liguria 57,577: +285 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +271)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 45,191: +658 cases, + 1.5% (yesterday +974)
Market 37,269: +372 cases, + 1% (yesterday +369)
Abruzzo 33,471: +216 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +156)
Sardinia 28,386: +311 cases, + 1.1% (yesterday +380)
PA Bolzano 28,122: +246 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +195)
Umbria 27,241: +113 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +219)
Calabria 21,151: +224 cases, + 1.1% (yesterday +207)
PA Trento 20,095: +108 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +183)
Basilicata 10,029: +73 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +66)
Aosta Valley 7,031: +22 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +23)
Molise 6,034: +62 cases, + 1% (yesterday +49)
Deaths Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are the total deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 24,379: +49 deaths (yesterday +105)
Veneto 5434: +52 deaths (+114 yesterday)
Piedmont 7,528: +29 deaths (yesterday +38)
Campania 2,571: +11 deaths (+32 yesterday)
Emilia romagna 7,083: +60 deaths (yesterday +73)
Lazio 3292: +21 deaths (yesterday +41)
Tuscany 3,439: +24 deaths (yesterday +25)
Sicily 2,155: +24 deaths (+22 yesterday)
Apulia 2,179: +23 deaths (yesterday +26)
Liguria 2,768: +2 deaths (yesterday +12)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,429: +21 deaths (+9 yesterday)
Market 1,476: +7 kills (+10 yesterday)
Abruzzo 1,124: +4 deaths (+9 yesterday)
Sardinia 660: +7 deaths (yesterday +9)
PA Bolzano 690: +3 deaths (yesterday +8)
Umbria 567: +8 deaths (yesterday +6)
Calabria 422: +1 death (yesterday +7)
PA Trento 842: +3 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Basilicata 220: no new deaths (yesterday +2)
Aosta Valley 368: +2 deaths (yesterday +1)
Molise 173: +1 death (no new deaths yesterday)
Article updating …
December 20, 2020 (change December 20, 2020 | 18:04)