The business was a millionaire: offering the most exclusive television content, behind a subscription of ten euros: from Sky to Netflix, up to Disney +. More than 5,500 illegal live streaming sites and 350 Telegram channels broadcasting protected content around the world have been blocked by the Finance. And 10 million 600 thousand euros were also seized from the criminal organization that managed the tour and that also had contacts with organized crime. The suspects are 23. One of the group’s leaders has been arrested. Subscription payments were also made through cryptocurrencies. Despite staggering numbers from the rotation, 15 of the suspects also received citizenship income. This is the third chapter of the maxi-investigation of the Naples prosecutor’s office on unauthorized transmission on the Internet (Internet Protocol Television) that began last year.
Operation “The Perfect Storm” was carried out by Finance and by the Postal Police, with the coordination of the prosecutor Giovanni Melillo, the deputy Vincenzo Piscitelli and the prosecutor Valeria Sico. Blocked sites broadcast around the world. And customers have also been investigated. On November 6, while they were watching an illegal streaming football match, the transmissions suddenly stopped and a notice from the judicial authorities appeared on their screens: “This site has been seized.” One of the leaders of the organization was handcuffed, while kidnappings and searches were carried out both in Italy and abroad: Malta, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia, Sweden, Belgium, Romania, Holland and France. . In addition to the money, 5,500 computer resources used by the organization for the illegal dissemination and sale of content in violation of copyright were also confiscated. 334 PayPal accounts were also seized to collect money. The surveys were carried out with innovative technological tools, including sophisticated Artificial Intelligence software for Big Data analysis, which also made it possible to identify customers around the world: 50 million users have already emerged, almost 5 million alone. in Italy. The investigations revealed the existence of an articulated system, of a pyramidal nature, represented by state-of-the-art computer platforms fed simultaneously by numerous European “content sources” that allowed unauthorized access to the main pay television.
They pocket 60 thousand euros without doing anything and without having the degree, in 7 in trouble
Last update: 11:35