Thanks to the contact tracing activity carried out by the Forlì Public Hygiene, 15 new cases of Covid have been identified in various schools. At Rodari primary school there are five new cases of positive pupils, in two different classes. After the preventive inspection carried out by the health professionals, compliance with all the prescribed preventive measures was verified. However, taking into account the previous positivity found in a teacher of both classes and, to date, of 5 students distributed in the two classes, all the students of the two classes involved are considered high-risk close contacts. So both classes go into quarantine for 10 days from the last contact, or from November 6, with a swab made on the 10th day, or for 14 days from the last contact without swab.
Another positive case concerns a student from a kindergarten in Forlì, San Giovanni Bosco. After an inspection it was found that the sections are adequately separated from each other and that the spaces of the individual sections are large and well ventilated, however, children in this age group are not required to wear a mask and hardly any. kept all the time. a distance of at least 1 meter between them and the staff during their stay at the school. Therefore, children of a kindergarten section should always be considered close contacts if there is a positive case in the section and therefore it is necessary to quarantine for the entire section, the last contact being dated the past November 5th.
As regards the case of another primary school in Forlì, De Amicis, after an inspection carried out by health professionals, compliance with all prevention measures was verified. However, as it was the second case found in the same class, the students were considered close contacts and therefore quarantine was arranged for them as well, as of the last contact that took place today, November 9.
Finally, cases of contagion were found in a student from the Forlimpopoli middle school, one at the Santa Sofia middle school, a case from a student from the Artusi institute in Forlimpopoli, a case from a student from an elementary school in Meldola, a case of a pupil of Livio Tempesta primary school in Forlì, a case of a pupil of Mercuriale secondary school in Forlì, a pupil of Galeata primary school, a case of a pupil of the “Ruffilli” vocational institute in Forlì.
For all these last mentioned schools, the occasional contacts of the positive class will have to watch the appearance of fever or other suspicious symptoms of Covid (cough, cold, diarrhea, conjunctivitis) during 14 days from the last risk contact. If symptoms appear, it is
you should contact your GP immediately. For occasional contacts, quarantine or suspension of school attendance is not prescribed, but it is recommended to wear the surgical mask, have careful hand hygiene and avoid opportunities for aggregation that avoid physical distancing. A tampon is offered to such occasional contacts.