15 other cases in the province.


The data at the regional level continue to grow and of the 82 cases of yesterday, today Tuscany reaches 92. In Arezzo, on the other hand, the cases verified by the ASL Toscana Sud Est “from 2:00 p.m. on August 28 to 2:00 p.m. on August 29, 202015 new cases of Covid-19 stand out in the province of Arezzo.

Today’s cases, municipality by municipality

1) Vigilance of the Municipality of Bibbiena
13-year-old girl, already in home isolation as a case contact, returned from India, asymptomatic
2) 16-year-old girl already in home isolation, contact of the case returned from cervia, asymptomatic
3) 19-year-old man already in home isolation due to being asymptomatic as a case contact, returned from Sardinia
4) A 20-year-old man already in home isolation as a case, returned from Sardinia, asymptomatic
5) 36-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as a case contact, returned from India, paucisymptomatic
6) A 60-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as a case contact, returned from India, asymptomatic
7) Municipality of supervision of Castiglion Fiorentino
27-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as symptomatic, returned from Sardinia
8) Montevarchi Surveillance Municipality
73-year-old woman who is already in home isolation when she returns from Albania, asymptomatic
9) Surveillance of the Municipality of Arezzo
20-year-old woman already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
10) 46-year-old woman already in home isolation, upon returning from Rimini, asymptomatic
11) Supervisory Municipality of Castiglion Fibocchi
53-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
12) Supervisory Municipality of Castiglion Fiorentino
32-year-old man already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic
13) Supervisory Municipality of Chiusi Della Verna
17-year-old girl already in home isolation as a case contact, asymptomatic
14) Monte San Savino Surveillance Municipality
24-year-old boy already in home isolation, returned from Sardinia, asymptomatic
15) Municipality of Vigilancia Sansepolcro
9-year-old boy who is already in home isolation, ongoing investigation.

Monitoring activity

The Prevention Department in consideration of the cases that have arisen in recent days in the province of Arezzo has intensified the activity of tracing close contacts. This activity has stood out for the moment, 51 connections for the Arezzo cases who have already been immediately placed in solitary confinement.

They are currently followed in the ASL of Southeast Tuscany 318 people tested positive for swab. 2,298 people are already in home isolation as a known case of contact or because they come from other countries. exist three people admitted for infectious diseases of the San Donato Hospital in Arezzo. Case identification and contact tracing was possible by running approx. 1,800 swabs.

Meanwhile, many from Arezzo have joined lined up in Piazza Grande undergo serological tests in nightlife areas. To tell the truth, not only the youngest have shown up.

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Arezzo station tampons

The swabs made at the USL station of the Arezzo station since August 26 are 407, of which 86 today Saturday August 29 (data updated to 18).
