14,245 new cases and 347 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 2,155,446 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 14,245, + 0.7% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +11,831), while I deaths today I am 347, + 0.5% (yesterday they were +364), for a total of 75,332 victims since February. People recovered or discharged I am 1,503,900 usually: 14,746 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 1% (yesterday they were +9,166). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be in total 576,214, equal to -848 compared to yesterday, -0.1% (yesterday they were +2,295). There decrease in current positives today – with the minus sign in front – it depends on the cured, added to the deaths, being in greater numbers than in the new cases.

me vaccinated citizens I am more than 84 thousand, to be precise 84,730 according to the data of January 3 provided in the 13, as indicated by the “Report of vaccines against Covid-19” continuously updated on the government website and available here.

me tampons They were 102,974, or 35,800 more than yesterday when there were 67,174. While the positivity rate is 13.8% (the approximation of 13.833%): means that of 100 swabs performed, more than 13 were positive; yesterday it was 17.6%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.

More infections in 24 hours than yesterday, compared to various pads. With this number of new infections, when vaccination is in place, contact tracing cannot yet be resumed. The number to look at is the ratio of cases per swab (the positivity rate) that indicates how many cases are found per 100 tests. We have seen that when less analysis is done this percentage tends to increase. Today, with more tampons the rate falls to 13.8% from 17.6% yesterday, but it is still high: it must fall below 10% in order to control the epidemic.

According to the calculations of physicist Roberto Battiston from the University of Trento, today the national Rt index has risen to 0.99 (that of the ISS in the last follow-up is 0.93). “The identification of the red, yellow and orange areas starts from the value of the Rt index, but does not consider the degree of development of the epidemic in the area”, observes Battiston.

The growth of hospitalizations continues, in critical and non-critical areas. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I am +127 (yesterday +126), for a total of 23,075 hospitalized. While the number of beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I am +14 (+16 yesterday), bringing the total of the most serious patients to 2,583. while and new additions to IT I am +154 (yesterday +134).

Here all the newsletters from February 29. Here the latest news of the day.

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The cases Region by Region

The data provided below, and broken down by Region, correspond to the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.

Lombardy 485,070: +1,709 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +1,402)
Veneto 265,264: +3,419 cases, + 1.3% (yesterday +3,165)
Piedmont 200,060: +741 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +433)
Campania 192,418: +619 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +392)
Emilia romagna 177,988: +1,818 cases, + 1% (yesterday +2,035)
Lazio 167,920: +1,681 cases, + 1% (yesterday +1,275)
Tuscany 121,770: +355 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +498)
Sicily 96,547: +1,047 cases, + 1.1% (yesterday +734)
Apulia 93,653: +950 cases, + 1% (yesterday +344)
Liguria 61,305: +221 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +203)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 51,301: +200 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +359)
Market 42.974: +372 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +285)
Abruzzo 35,953: +207 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +23)
Sardinia 31,861: +194 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +189)
PA Bolzano 29,946: +96 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +86)
Umbria 29,440: +202 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +50)
Calabria 24,590: +150 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +175)
PA Trento 22,279: +130 cases, + 0.6% (yesterday +116)
Basilicata 11,102: +81 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +39)
Aosta Valley 7,332: +35 cases, + 0.5% (+7 yesterday)
Molise 6,673: +18 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +21)

Deaths Region by Region

The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 25,317: +36 deaths (yesterday +78)
Veneto 6,763: +88 deaths (+46 yesterday)
Piedmont 7979: +8 deaths (yesterday +11)
Campania 2,911: +18 deaths (yesterday +29)
Emilia romagna 7,887: +41 deaths (yesterday +38)
Lazio 3,840: +24 deaths (yesterday +24)
Tuscany 3,730: +10 deaths (+20 yesterday)
Sicily 2,494: +26 deaths (yesterday +28)
Apulia 2,516: +25 deaths (yesterday +10)
Liguria 2,912: +5 deaths (+9 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,707: +20 deaths (yesterday +18)
Market 1,607: +13 deaths (yesterday +13)
Abruzzo 1231: +2 deaths (yesterday +11)
Sardinia 764: +9 deaths (+4 yesterday)
PA Bolzano 751: +5 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Umbria 631: +3 deaths (yesterday +3)
Calabria 488: +6 deaths (+3 yesterday)
PA Trento 961: +3 deaths (yesterday +6)
Basilicata 262: +1 death (yesterday +5)
Aosta Valley 386: +3 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Molise 195: +1 death (yesterday +2)

Article updating …

January 3, 2021 (change January 3, 2021 | 17:35)

