13,318 new cases and 628 deaths. The positive rate falls to 8%


Covid Italia, today's newsletter December 22

Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter for Tuesday 22 December. THE new infections in the last 24 hours there are 13,318 (yesterday 10,872). The dead are 628 (yesterday 415). To date in Italy there are currently 605,955 positives, with a decrease in the last 24 hours of 7,627. The increase in patients cured and discharged in one day is 20,315, which brings the total since the beginning of the emergency to 1,301,573.

Christmas at risk of infections, from incubation to symptoms: how to understand if you can go to relatives


Regions and positivity rate

The highest number of new cases was found in Veneto (3,082), followed by Lombardy (2,278) and Lazio (1,288). 166,205 swabs have been made, an increase of nearly 79,000 from 87,889 on Sunday. The ratio of swabs done to positives detected is 8.01%, a sharp decline from 12.3% on Monday. On the other hand, 2,687 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, 44 less than yesterday in the balance between entries and exits. According to the Ministry of Health, the daily admissions to resuscitation are 201. In the ordinary wards, 24,948 people are hospitalized, with a decrease of 197 patients compared to yesterday.


There are 3,082 new Covid infections in Veneto and 150 deaths in the last 24 hours. This was reported by the regional bulletin. In this way, the global data is updated to 222,588 infected since the beginning of the epidemic and 5,631 deaths (between hospitals and nursing homes). The pressure on hospitals in the region remains high: 2,907 Covid patients (+6) are hospitalized in non-critical wards, 379 in intensive care (+4). The number of subjects currently positive for the virus is also growing, 102,578 (+1,104).


There are 22 deaths from coronavirus registered today in Tuscany, 10 men and 12 women with an average age of 79.3 years, where there are 309 new positives that lead to 116,544 cases since the start of the epidemic. There are currently 11,837 (-4.5%) positives, and the downward trend in hospitalized patients continues, which today stands at 1,116 (-34), of which 175 in intensive care (-10). Those cured increased by 0.8% and rose to 101,212 (86.8% of all cases).


In Puglia, 876 positive cases out of 10,420 tests for Covid-19 infection were recorded. There are 35 deaths. The positive cases, a slight increase compared to yesterday’s 788, however, are the result of a series of tests that more than doubled. Today, the positivity rate has dropped to 8.4% from 18% yesterday. The positive cases are 340 in the province of Bari, 199 in the province of Taranto, 150 in the province of Foggia, 71 in the province BAT, 64 in the province of Lecce, 50 in the province of Brindisi, 3 residents outside the region. 1 case of unknown residence was attributed.


Seventy-six of the 1,587 swabs tested in Basilicata in the last 24 hours were positive, although only 68 belong to citizens residing in the region, the regional working group announced. The bulletin also warns that another 99 people have recovered, while another four have died from the covid. There are 5,756 “currently positive” Lucanians: 5,655 of them are in home isolation. 3,838 people recovered from the beginning of the epidemic, 224 died. In the Potenza and Matera hospitals, 101 people are hospitalized: only eight are in intensive care. Since the emergency began, 176,525 swabs have been tested in Basilicata, of which 164,291 were negative.


363 positive covid have been detected in the last 24 hours in the Marches in the new diagnostic route. The Marche Region Health Service announces that in the last 24 hours 4,162 swabs have been tested: 2,758 in the new diagnostic route (of which 1,287 in detection with the antigenic route) and 1,404 in the cured route.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 549 new infections have been detected in 8,324 swabs (equivalent to 6.6%), of which 917 antigenic tests. There are 20 deaths, to which are added another 13 that occurred from 11/25 to 12/20 and were subsequently recorded. There are 57 inpatients in intensive care, while hospitalizations in other departments drop to 598.


There are a total of 33,620 positive cases of Covid 19 registered in Abruzzo since the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday there are 86 new cases (between 1 and 93 years). There are 16 positives under the age of 19, of which 12 in the province of Chieti and 4 in the province of Teramo. The number of deceased patients registered 8 new cases and amounts to 1,137 (between 65 and 100 years, 3 in the province of L’Aquila, 4 in the province of Chieti and 1 in the province of Pescara).


Positive and active cases in Calabria rose again before a greater number of people analyzed (1,917 compared to 1,352). In the last 24 hours, 232 positivities have been verified (yesterday there were 110) while active cases amount to 8471 compared to 8,321 yesterday. Five victims with a total of deaths reaching 434. Those hospitalized in the medical area are 292 (-8), 23 in intensive care (+1) and those isolated at home 8,156 (+157). The healed are 12,588 (+77).


Of almost 13 thousand swabs in Lazio (+745) there are 1,288 positive cases (+83), 56 deaths (+14) and +1,775 recovered. Cases and intensive care are declining, deaths are increasing and hospitalizations are stable. The ratio of positives to swabs is 9%. The cases in the city of Rome amount to 600.


791 new cases of coronavirus have emerged in the last 24 hours in Campania from the analysis of 10,185 swabs. Of the 791 new cases, 78 are symptomatic and 713 asymptomatic. The total number of Covid-19 cases registered in Campania since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 182,050, while the total number of swabs analyzed is 1,927,864. There are 25 new deaths included in today’s bulletin of the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region: in a note it is specified that these are 8 deaths that occurred in the last 24 hours and 17 that occurred previously, but registered yesterday.


Stops the spread of the coronavirus in Piedmont. The new positives registered in the last 24 hours by the Regional Crisis Unit are 674, which is equivalent to 4.4% of the 15,483 swabs performed. There are 313 asymptomatic patients, which is equivalent to 46.4%. On the other hand, deaths are increasing, 50 compared to 43 yesterday, but only five are those that occurred today, while after yesterday’s increase, hospitalizations are down: 228 in intensive care (-9), 3,331 in other rooms (-78). There are 36,605 people in home isolation – 1,540 have been cured Since the beginning of the pandemic, therefore, Piedmont has registered 193,765 positives, 7,621 deaths and 145,980 recovered.


There are 2,278 new positive cases of coronavirus in Lombardy in the last 24 hours, of which 125 ‘weakly positive. According to data from the Lombardy Region, there were 31,939 swabs, with a ratio between new positives and swabs made of 7.1%. There were 92 deaths, for a total of 24,512 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Emilia romagna

Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 158,345 cases of positivity have been registered in Emilia-Romagna, that is, 1,162 more than yesterday, out of a total of 19,892 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons manufactured since yesterday falls to 5.8%. Unfortunately, however, there are 68 new deaths.


There are 894 new cases of Covid19 in Sicily in the last 24 hours of the 8,689 swabs performed. Twenty-two people have died for a total of 2,203 since the start of the pandemic, while 1,283 patients have been discharged or recovered between yesterday and today. The current positives on the island are 33,492 -411 less than yesterday- and of these 1,059 are hospitalized in ordinary regimen, 176 in intensive care and 32,257 in home isolation.


There are still 13 deaths in patients with Trentino from Covid in the last 24 hours. The youngest victim was 71 years old, the oldest 100. In almost 3,500 swabs, 57 new positives for molecular and 222 for antigen were found. Molecular confirms 79 positivity intercepted in recent days by rapid tests.


Last update: December 23 at 08:23

