Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia romagna have been registered 34,093 cases of positivity, 121 more than yesterday, of which 71 asymptomatic identified in the context of contact tracing activities me regional projection.
The activity of control and prevention: of the 121 new cases, 56 They were already in isolation at the time of execution of the swab and 70 have been identified in the context of known outbreaks.
am 29 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of cases of return from other regions it is 8.
L ‘middle age of the new positives today is 41.7 years.
its 71 new asymptomatic, 31 have been identified through category tests introduced by the Region, 5 through pre-admission tests, 33 thanks to contact tracing activity in two serological screening cases.
Unfortunately it happened a death: a 70-year-old man, in the province of Rimini, with previous pathologies.
Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (18), Piacenza (12), Parma (14), Reggio Emilia (20), Modena (17), Ferrara (11) and Ravenna (15). There are no new positives in the Imola area.
In bologna and the province are 18 new positives (only one hospitalized and all the others in home isolation): 12 attributable to known outbreaks (family and work environment). Of the total of 18, 4 were identified through contact tracing activities; one is a return from abroad (Macedonia); 5 from other regions (3 from Valle D’Aosta, 1 from Marche, 1 from Calabria). One last case is the return from a vacation on the Riviera.
Twelve new positives in the province of Piacenza: 6 returned from abroad (5 from Albania and one, symptomatic, from Turkey); 2 results of internal controls in the Cra, while one emerged from the control in the workplace. Finally, three presented symptoms.
In the province of Parmaof the 14 new positives, 3 were identified by contact tracing, including two symptomatic; 3 refer to returns from abroad (one from Moldova, one from Romania and one from Ukraine); 3 after tests prior to hospitalization. Two cases are patients with symptoms, another 2 arose from the screening performed on Cra’s guests. Finally, one case was identified by screening a soccer team in the Promotion league.
In the territory reggiano, of 20 new positives, 11 are attributable to family outbreaks, 3 have returned from abroad (one from Albania, one from Romania, one from Kazakhstan), 4 are classified as sporadic. Another is a contact case in an outbreak within a work environment and a last is under investigation. All cases are in home isolation.
In Modenese, of 17 new positives, 5 returned from abroad (2 from Moldova, 2 from Turkey, one from Romania) and one from Sardinia. Nine new positives were identified as known case contacts; a positive arose thanks to the controls in the workplace and a last case was classified as sporadic.
In the province of Ferrara, of 11 positives, 3 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, one from India). The other 8 were identified as contacts of already known cases: of these, 6 attributable to family outbreaks.
Fifteen new cases to Ravenna, of which 14 in home isolation and one hospitalized. In detail, 5 are contacts of already known cases, all within the family; 2 are sporadic cases, which arose after the manifestation of symptoms. Another 5 cases are related to the return from abroad (4 from Macedonia, one from Morocco); Two cases were identified after spontaneous testing. Finally, a case emerged after a pre-hospitalization swab.
These are the data – verified at 12 noon today based on institutional requests – related to the advance of the epidemic in the region.
me made swabs there are 9,674, for a total of 1,068,778 To these are also added 2,647 serological tests.
me active cases, that’s the number of real patients, to date they are 4,369 (92 more than those registered yesterday).
People in isolate the house, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital care, or are symptom-free, in total 4,166 (88 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases. Patients in intensive care is 21 (like yesterday), While and hospitalized in other rooms of Covid 182 (+4).
People as a whole heal have reached altitude 25,252 (+28 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, he became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,245 those declared cured in all respects because they tested negative in two consecutive tests.
These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,933 a Piacenza (+12, of which 4 symptomatic), 4,156 to Parma (+14, of which 5 symptomatic), 5,658 to Reggio emilia (+20, of which 12 symptomatic), 4,760 to Modena (+17, of which 5 symptomatic), 6,051 years Bologna (+18, of which 11 symptomatic), 544 to Imola (no new cases compared to yesterday), Ferrara 1,371 (+11, of which 2 symptomatic), one Ravenna 1,709 (+15, of which 6 symptomatic), 1,289 to Forlì (+6, of which 4 symptomatic), 1,081 to Cesena (+2, of which 1 symptomatic) and 2,541 years Rimini (+6, no symptoms)