113 new cases, 23 in Pisa


In Tuscany there are 12,292 cases of positivity for Coronavirus, 113 more compared to yesterday, September 4, of which 28 were identified in the course of screening and 85 through detection activities. Today’s positives are 1,889 today, + 4% compared to yesterday. The average age of 113 cases today is approximately 40 years (23% are under 26, 28% are between 26 and 40, 40% are between 41 and 65, 9% are over 65) and, in Regarding the clinical states, 62% were asymptomatic, 27% pauci-symptomatic, 8% mild. Of the 113 positivities to date, 6 cases may be linked to returns from abroad, of which 1 for vacation reasons (Spain); 9 cases can be linked to returns from other Italian regions (8 Sardinia, 1 Piedmont); 4 cases identified thanks to the controls activated in ports and stations with ordinance n. 80 of the Tuscany Region, of which 3 refer to citizens residing outside the region. 33% of the cases is a contact linked to a previous case.

The following are the cases of positivity in the area, with the variation compared to yesterday, according to the province of domicile or residence: 3,766 in Florence (24 more than yesterday), 654 in Prato (2 more), 856 in Pistoia (5 more ), 1,298 in Massa (24 more), 1,572 in Lucca (13 more), 1,118 to Pisa (23 more)583 in Livorno (4 more), 881 in Arezzo (7 more), 523 in Siena (4 more), 513 in Grosseto (4 more). 528 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions (3 more). Thus, today 31 cases have been found in central ASL, 64 in the northwest, and 15 in the southeast.

As counted by the Local Health Authority of Northwest Tuscany, I 23 new cases in the province of Pisa They are located as follows: Cascina 3 (of which 1 contact case), Pisa 9 (of which a contact case, a return from abroad, one identified thanks to the controls at the Pisa station with the ordinance number 80 of the Tuscany Region); Vecchiano 1. Then between Alta Valdicecina and Valdera: Ponsacco 2, Pontedera 7 (including 2 case contacts and a return from abroad), Santa Maria to Monte uno.

Usually, 1,812 people are in solitary confinement at home, as they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital care or are asymptomatic (70 more than yesterday, plus 4%). There are 4,371 (182 more than yesterday, more 4.3%) people, also isolated, under active surveillance for having had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 1,819, Northwest 1,646, Southeast 906). The total number of people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today is 77 (2 more than yesterday, more 2.7%), 8 in intensive care (stable compared to yesterday).

People as a whole heal there are 9,260 (41 more than yesterday, plus 0.4%): 188 clinically cured people (16 more than yesterday, plus 9.3%), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 9,072 ( 25 more than yesterday, plus 0.3%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative swab.

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Today there are no new deaths. Therefore, there are 1,143 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic divided as follows: 418 in Florence, 52 in Prato, 81 in Pistoia, 175 in Massa Carrara, 147 in Lucca, 91 in Pisa, 63 in Livorno, 50 in Arezzo , 33 in Siena, 25 in Grosseto, 8 people died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region.
