11 dead, 657 positive and 327 recovered


Eleven dead, 657 positive and 327 recovered. According to the Bulletin of the Umbria Region and Civil Protection updated at 2:38 p.m. on November 15, 11,100 (+319 compared to November 14) are currently positive for Covid-19 in Umbria. 4,329 swabs performed in the last 24 hours.

Coronavirus in Umbria, the map as of November 15: all data municipality by municipality

As of November 15, 436 (+8 versus November 14) were hospitalized, of which 70 (+3 versus November 14) were in intensive care and 12,451 (-558 versus November 14) were isolated.

Coronavirus, the Perugia bulletin of November 15: 3 dead, 117 positive and 62 recovered

Since the start of the health emergency there are 18,876 (+657 compared to November 14) the total number of Covid-19 positivity cases registered in Umbria, 7523 (+327 compared to November 14) cured, 253 ( +11 compared to November 14)) deaths and 360,719 (+4329 compared to November 14) swabs performed.

Usl Umbria note 1 – On November 14 at the Città di Castello hospital, three people positive for Covid-19 died. It is about an 88-year-old man who lives in Citerna, an 84-year-old man from Città di Castello and a 94-year-old woman who lives in Spoleto.

The note from the Terni hospital: Three Covid-positive people died between November 14 and 15 in Terni hospital: a 94-year-old woman from Spoleto, a 96-year-old woman from Terni and an 83-year-old man from Terni.
