10,872 new cases and 415 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 1,964,054 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 10,872, + 0.6% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +15.104), while I deaths today I am 415, + 0.6% (yesterday they were +352), for a total of 69,214 victims since February. People recovered or discharged I am 1,281,258 usually: 19,632 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 1.6% (yesterday they were +12,156). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be a total of 613,582, equal to -9,178 compared to yesterday, -1.5% (yesterday they were +2.594). There decrease in current positives today – with the minus sign in front – it depends on the cured, added to the deaths, being in greater numbers than in the new cases.

me tampons They were 87,889, or 49,531 less than yesterday when there were 137,420. While the positivity rate of the 12.4% (approximation of 12.37%): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 12 were positive; yesterday it was 11%. This percentage gives an idea of ​​the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.

Fewer infections in 24 hours than yesterday, compared to far fewer tampons. Every Monday the number of tests is the lowest of the whole week, because it refers to the Sunday tests that are in less quantity compared to the tests during the week and Saturday. Recall that the record for tampons 254 thousand. The proportion of cases with tampons (the positivity rate) increases again, exceeding 12% – 12.4% as mentioned above – after days of settling around 10% (see between 12/15 and 19/19 12): had not happened since December 7 (it was 12.3%). And if, on the one hand, the incidence of cases still cannot be traced (we must drop below 10,000) -six days after Vaccine Day-, on the other hand, the new variant of the virus raises concern.

the Veneto it remains the most affected region since December 5 (+2,583 infections), followed by Emilia romagna (+1,594) e Lazio (+1,205). For the first time in the second wave, the Lombardy has a three digit increment (+950). All other regions report increases of two or three cases.

me hospitalized in Covid common rooms there are 25,145 in total: here the occupied beds are -13 (yesterday -206). While the most seriously ill of intensive care (IT) are 2,731 total: the number of beds occupied in resuscitation is -12 (yesterday -41), but they are +161 people join IT (yesterday +121), and Campania did not provide this data. If the number of beds occupied in intensive care decreased by 12, but 161 people entered IT, it means that in the last 24 hours they left it 173 patients (161 + 12) as improved or deceased.

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Article updating …

December 21, 2020 (change December 21, 2020 | 17:16)

