- 51 in the province of Bari,
- 4 in the province of Brindisi;
- 11 in BAT province,
- 22 in the province of Foggia,
- 9 in the province of Lecce,
- 4 in the province of Taranto,
- 2 out of the region.
One death was recorded in the province of Bari.
360,787 tests have been carried out since the beginning of the emergency.
4,252 are recovered patients.
1,863 are currently positive cases.
The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 6,689, divided as follows:
- 2,572 in the province of Bari;
- 536 in the province of Bat;
- 745 in the province of Brindisi;
- 1,577 in the province of Foggia;
- 732 in the province of Lecce;
- 474 in the province of Taranto;
- 52 attributed to residents outside the region;
- 1 province of unknown residence.
The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts. The epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region 16.9.2020 is available at the link: http://rpu.gl/ftw6Z
Declaration of Dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “The Prevention Department detected 51 new infections today. The positivity refers to 31 close contacts linked to previously isolated and monitored cases, 1 return from Australia and 19 cases in which epidemiological investigations are being carried out.”
Declaration of Dg Asl Brindisi Giuseppe Pasqualone: “Of the four positives in the province of Brindisi, two are close contacts of a case of another ASL, one is a foreign citizen who has returned from Romania and the last one refers to a person who underwent a smear because he had manifested symptoms related to Covid “.
Declaration of Dg Asl Bt, Alessandro Delle Donne: “Today 11 cases are registered in the Bat. Of the 8 epidemiological investigations are ongoing by the Prevention Department, while 3 cases are attributable to a single positive case registered in recent days.
Declaration of the Dg of Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “The new cases registered in the last 24 hours in the province of Foggia are 22. They are: 10 symptomatic people; 9 close contacts of already known cases; 3 people identified during the pre-hospital screening activity. All were assumed by the service of hygiene of the company that is conducting the corresponding epidemiological investigations ”.
Declaration of Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “The ASL of Lecce today registers 9 cases: 4 are contacts of already known cases, 2 have contracted the infection outside the region, one is a resident on whom epidemiological investigations are being carried out, 2 are known cases related to the month of August now included in the national surveillance system. “
Declaration Dg Asl Taranto, Stefano rossi: “Of the 4 cases of Covid detected in the province of Taranto, 2 refer to close contacts of positive cases already known and subjected to surveillance, the other 2 correspond to young people undergoing tests.”