10,000 doses a day, but you have to speed up


The day has arrived. The vaccination campaign against the coronavirus in Lombardy officially begins on Monday, January 4. After the symbolic start on December 27, with the Italian and European V-day, and the delivery of the first doses of Pfizer in Malpensa a few hours later, the final departure is scheduled for Monday.

This was stated by the Lombard Councilor for Welfare, Giulio Gallera, after learning that Milan and the rest of the Lombard cities have one of the lowest percentages in the entire country for administrations carried out in the first days of the new year, despite the fact that Lombardy it is among the regions that were most affected by the epidemic. In fact, 80,595 doses of the drug were administered to Pirellone, but only 2,416 were inoculated. Practically only 3% of those delivered. Worse, in percentage terms, only Sardinia with 2.3% and Molise, 1.3%.

The covid vaccination schedule

The commissioner responded by bringing up the vacations of the health personnel – “I do not let the doctors come back on vacation” – ending up attracting the ire of even the majority colleagues and then he assured that everything is ready.

Are 10,000 doses a day enough?

“According to the original plan of the General Directorate of Welfare, the vaccination of the personnel of the Asst, Irccs, private hospital and RSA” begins on January 4, he guaranteed. “An initial administration capacity of up to a maximum of 10,000 daily doses is expected, which can later be increased to 15,000.”

The first vaccinated: “I’m excited”

However, it is clear that it will be necessary to increase the pace. The 10 thousand daily doses proposed by Gallera for the “initial phase” would translate into a year, considering 365 days, in 3 million and 650 thousand administered doses. In two years of vaccinations it would be 7 million 300 thousand. Lombardy has a population of more than 10 million inhabitants: it seems clear, therefore, that 10,000 daily doses may not be enough. In fact, they will not be enough.
