
the coronavirus, in FranceIt hits harder than anywhere else in the world. The pandemic is literally out of control, the wave is called “brutal”. So much so that the possibility of a new general blockade. The alarm comes from Jean-Francois Delfraissy, the expert at the head of the government’s scientific council, an alarm later relaunched by the Interior Minister Gerald darmanin: “We have to wait for tough decisions,” he explained. According to experts, in fact, the actual infections they are not less than 100 thousand every 24 hours (Yesterday, October 26, 26 thousand positive swabs – but also in France there is the “Sunday fall”; Saturday, October 25, more than 52 thousand positives).
Today morning, Tuesday October 27, Emmanuel macron chairs a defense council and, subsequently, the prime minister Jean castex It will bring together political forces and union and employers’ organizations. Tomorrow there will be a second Defense Council, always dedicated to the epidemic. On the table, the new measures to be taken, a hardening that could lead to confinement. And, of course, the case of France it scares us too: the contagion curves, although in Italy they started fifteen days “late” (perhaps the effect of the first very severe confinement), in fact they resemble each other in a disturbing way.