“10% positive in tests, stabilized trend but at a high level of cases” – Corriere.it


After a wait of almost an hour, the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza, arrived at the press office of the Ministry on the epidemiological situation without announcing the Regions that will be considered “red”, the news that everyone expects. understand how your life will change starting tomorrow. He only specified that “these are especially hectic and intense hours, we are meeting in the control room and we continue working” and stressed that the regions with the highest risk are Piedmont, Lombardy and Campania. But there is still some discussion, it is clear, why that the automatism that the government wants to introduce is not so automatic, it is necessary to take into account what Rezza calls “methodological problems”:“If we have a region that does not fully report the data, or if it simply does not report the date of onset of symptoms, it could underestimate the incidence, in this case the RT tends to rise,” explains Rezza. Unfortunately we cannot resort to a very simple automatism, we must also see the resilience, how much is the resistance capacity of the system. Don’t let me get into the political details, ”laughs Rezza.

The general epidemiological situation, however, is clear: “We are facing a resurgence,” Rezza explained, “which was expected after the relative summer pause, and after the effects of the blockade, which caused a decrease in viral circulation in summer. The factors of the resurgence are not all known and gutted, it is not just an Italian situation, but Italy was preceded by other surrounding European countries that experienced the same situation 2-3 weeks in advance. The characteristics are relatively different: 20-30 thousand swabs were made in March / April, now between 100 and 200 thousand are made, today for example around 212,000 swabs have been made. The capacity has increased a lot, now there are so many. On these we have about 30 thousand positive tests, some would say that they are increasing, but we do not consider the daily fluctuations, not even the deaths, which today are 352 ».

«In recent weeks we have had a growing trend, in an assumption we see a certain stabilization at high levels, also because the number of positives over the number of buffers exceeds 10%: still quite high, a signal not entirely positive. The number of hospitalizations has been increasing, more than 1000, although in almost all areas of the country there is still no criticality because the number of intensive care has increased. Rezza then reports the regions with the most cases: Lombardy in the 7800 cases, Piedmont and Campania that follow (3,500 and more than 4 thousand), Veneto more than 2400 cases, Lazio with a slight increase, more than 2400 positivity in 26 thousand swabs ( a high number in a region of 5-6 million inhabitants). Then there are the smaller regions, such as Umbria, with almost 500 cases, and a population as large as a Rome ASL, therefore with a fairly high incidence. In general, Rezza speaks of a “strong increase”.

The red zones? “Just as the Regions could say that there are Provinces exempt from the application of the most restrictive measures, I believe that with the new Dpcm there can be no impediment for the Regions to implement specific red zones. The Region is the one that on the ground manages to capture first if there have been problems.

November 4, 2020 (change November 4, 2020 | 17:36)

