10 poisonous foods we always eat without realizing it


The 10 most eaten poisonous foods, unexpected and present in every home. What they are and why they could harm our health in some particular conditions.

cherries – iStock

The list of 10 most eaten and unsuspected poisonous foods, You would never think that you risk your health by eating them! We see Which I am and why They are toxic.

Knowing more information about the foods we eat is essential to prevent possible risks to our health: prevention is better than cure.

We need to know what foods are dangerous, to what extent they are dangerous, and also how to cook food to avoid getting intoxicated or sick.

There are 10 very dangerous foods we eat every day that we don’t suspect. What are they?

List of 10 poisonous and unsuspected foods that we often eat


Almonds are oilseeds rich in vitamins and precious minerals for our organic balance. They turn out to be a good source of protein and energy!

Careful with bitter almondsBetter limit your consumption because they contain a large amount of amygdala.

This substance in our body produces Hydrogen cyanide from which the dangerous and deadly cyanide is obtained.

Only eating a large amount (at least 50 almonds) would cause a lethal effect, but fortunately the bitter taste is a valid deterrent: more than 6-7 almonds you will not be able to eat with pleasure.


Potatoes are an excellent source of carbohydrates and are a food that is consumed in large quantities, especially by vegetarians and vegans.

In the shell and in the greenest parts it is contained solanine, a very toxic substance for humans and for this reason it is recommended to carefully peel them before cooking.

Even in shoots there is a high concentration of solanineFor this reason, it is good to remove all sprouts to the root before cooking to rule out possible side effects.


Rhubarb is widely used in the culinary world for its bitter flavor and its captivating pink color.

However, not everyone knows that only the stem is edible leaves they are highly toxic! Rich in oxalic acid, they have a high laxative power and could seriously compromise kidney function.


Elder flowers are used for the preparation of medicinal syrups and distillates (for example, anise liqueur).

Elderberry flowers and fruits are the only edible parts in moderation, the bark and greener parts are poisonous.


The apple is the fruit par excellence present in all homes, can we eat it completely? No, it is better to eat only the pulp and the peel avoiding to eat the seeds.

THE the seeds are not edible Because they contain high concentrations of the amygdala (like bitter almonds), they would cause severe indigestion if ingested.


It is said that “one cherry leads to another” and it is true precisely because of the sweet and sugary flavor of the pulp that makes cherries irresistible. But be careful core, a diversity of the fruit is toxic for health.

The core of the cherry contains hydrocyanic acid, therefore it should not be ingested, especially if it has previously been damaged by teeth or chewed.

This toxin is poisonous because it hinders the transport of oxygen in the blood, it is very dangerous for our body.


Can you put a nutmeg rack in the bechamel sauce? Of course, if in small quantities it is not harmful!

Used in small doses, nutmeg is a food rich in flavor and properties that aid digestion.

However, the large amounts of nutmeg in food are harmful to health due to the presence of myristicin. neurotoxic substance which could cause hallucinations and seizures.

It is not necessary to avoid consuming nutmeg, but it is good to limit the amount of consumption compared to other clearly harmless spices.


Mushrooms can be divided into two groups: edible and poisonous, it is good to know how to distinguish them so as not to risk your health.

Even edible mushrooms can be toxic if eaten raw– Contains thermolabile toxins that evaporate only at temperatures above 80 °.

If consumed raw, then the ingested toxin could cause annoying digestive difficulties, better eat them cooked!


The beans, which are eaten cooked, are a valid ally of our digestive system: they promote proper intestinal function and provide a good dose of vegetable protein to our diet.

Never eat raw beans, eat forever After cooking.

Through soaking and also subsequent cooking, the dangerous toxin called phytohemagglutinin is eliminated, whose symptoms of intoxication are nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Puffer fish (fugu)

The puffer fish is certainly not a food that is consumed on a daily basis, but it is included in the list of the most consumed foods: it is one of the protagonists of the much appreciated oriental cuisine, it is eaten raw and fried (fugu).

Puffer fish meat is white and delicately flavored, but not all parts of this fish are edible!

the tetrodotoxin, a deadly neurotoxin, is contained in the liver, ovaries, intestines, and puffer fish skin.

Just 1 milligram of tetrodotoxin is enough to kill an adult man.

Precisely because it is fatal, before cooking and even handling the puffer fish, one must guarantee 100% of knowing how to treat it without making mistakes.

You may be interested: foods you should never reheat

In Japan, puffer fish can be cooked, fried or raw, only those that have the appropriate license obtained in 2-3 years of school.

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