10-day quarantine and single dashboard, stop private parties and soccer – here are the new government anti-contagion rules


Since quarantine which is reduced to 10 days to squeeze the move and the private parties, until the prohibition of contact sports such as futsal or basketball – there are many new rules the government is working on to stop the race COVID-19 in our country and avoid another emergency shutdown. Some have already been validated since Scientific technical committee and it will flow in a special circular from the Ministry of Health, while others will be discussed the same day with the governors of the Regions before being included in the Dpcm that Palazzo Chigi must approve before October 15. “We are forced to tighten the links – clarified the minister Roberto Speranza – with timely interventions in some areas with higher risk of recovery curve under control and not take tougher measures. “A plan that is accompanied by a strengthening of the skills of put on screen of general practitioners, who will now be able to perform i quick tests in such a way that procedures are expedited for those who have come into contact with a positive case, at school or at work.

The rules for those who are positive – During urgent meeting between Cts and the ministry that took place on Sunday, the experts gave the green light to one of the developments already announced in recent days: as is already the case in Germany, also in Italy the quarantine will be shortened 14 to 10 days. In the case of symptomatic positive, after 3 days from the disappearance of the symptoms you will have to undergo a single buffer instead of two: yes it will be negative, you can immediately leave the house. Only one test for positives without symptoms, to be performed after 10 days of isolation. Another novelty concerns the asymptomatic but not negative, who remain positive: also for them, ten days of quarantine and molecular buffer, but the isolation will end in any case. after 21 days since after that time the viral load it is very low and is no longer a hazard.

What changes for “close contacts” – The new quarantine rules also affect those who are forced tofiduciary isolation because he came into contact with a positive person. After 10 days at home, you can go directly to your GP for the rapid control test. In this way the government hopes to reduce the pressure on analytical laboratories and shorten them ai code drive-in that have happened in the last few weeks. The intention is also to meet the needs of the many parents forced at home because their children have been exposed to Covid at school. Therefore, families will have to be isolated for less time and return to work or school will be quicker than before.

Close to nightlife – On the government table, however, there is not only the health management of the virus. In the coming days, perhaps already tonight, Palazzo Chigi will approve a new dpcm that will contain a series of measures that aim to reduce the chances of contagion. The official status is not there yet, but from the drafts leaked in these hours and from the statements of Minister Speranza himself, the line we intend to follow is clear. The first point refers to a limitation to local hours. One of the hypotheses is to set the curfew at 24 for bars, pubs and restaurants, but on this a comparison between the Regions and the Minister of Regional Affairs is necessary. Francesco Boccia scheduled for the afternoon. Safer is stop selling take out drinks at 9/22 pm to avoid consuming food or alcohol while standing in the busiest areas at night.

Private parties – Move Besides, according to Speranza it is during private parties that the greatest spread of the virus occurs. On how to intervene, however, in the majority there is still no agreement: the government is considering allowing the maximum, for example 30 participants at large receptions, such as weddings or baptisms. For dinners at home you go to a “recommendation” to the public so that common sense prevails, while for now there are no news about participation in shows open to the public, cinemas and cocktail rooms.

Stop basketball and football – As for sports, the regulations already in force require the use of outdoor masks, but it was not clear if the obligation was also valid for those who go for a run or take long walks. A clarification from the Ministry of the Interior intervened on this: “Jogging me foot can continue to develop without the obligation of a maskThey are even carried out at an amateur level, because they are “attributable to sports activity”. Obligation skyrockets for those who do a walk. However, the approach to amateur sports such as soccer or basketball should come with the new Dpcm. A measure that according to scientists is necessary, since these are activities where it is not possible to guarantee distances or the use of a mask.

Smartworking is back – The last aspect on which Palazzo Chigi wants to intervene again is that smart work. The objective is to urge companies to increase the percentage of workers who are allowed to work from home, reaching 60-70% of the total, in order to reduce opportunities for contact and displacements.

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