Israel launches airstrike on Gaza over balloon bombs, rockets | News

The Israeli army has said it will carry out airstrikes on Sunday against Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket attacks and firebombs sent to Israeli territory linked to balloons.

The raids come after clashes erupted on Saturday night along the Gaza-Israel border, the army said.

The Israeli army said dozens of Palestinians were “burning tires, throwing explosives and grenades at the security fence and trying to approach it”.

Over the past week, Israeli troops have repeatedly carried out night attacks on targets linked to Hamas, the group that controls the Gaza Strip.

The army said that among the hot targets were “a military connection and underground infrastructure” belonging to Hamas.

Earlier Sunday, the Israeli army also said two rockets had been fired from Israel and subjugated by its Iron Dome defense system.

“This aggressive policy is intended to exacerbate the crisis that our people in Gaza are enduring in order to paralyze their daily lives and to interrupt the efforts to combat coronavirus amid international and regional silence,” said Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesman for Hamas, in a statement earlier this week.

Israel has the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing goods with the Gaza Strip.

Following Saturday’s clashes and rocket fire, the Israeli army “decided to completely close the Gaza Strip fishing zone, and until further notice, begin this morning. [Sunday], “said a military statement.

Palestinian territory has been under Israeli blockade since 2007. Israel cites Hamas security threats for its land and naval blockade.

The Gaza Strip has a population of two million, more than half of whom live in poverty, according to the World Bank.

Despite a ceasefire last year backed by the United Nations, Egypt and Qatar, both sides sporadically collided with rockets, mortar fire or incendiary balloons.

Hamas has accused Israel of not fully complying with the deal. Israel, which considers Hamas a “terrorist” organization, is shaking off direct negotiations and has never publicly acknowledged public poverty.

On Wednesday, Israel reduced the area where it allows Palestinians to fish from 24 km (15 miles) to 13 km (eight miles), calling it a response to the balloon launches.
