Ironman Florida: Chris Nike makes history as the first person to complete triathlon with Down syndrome

Guinness World Records recognized Nick’s achievement after he completed a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.2-marathon at the Ironum Florida Florida competition on Panama City Beach.
“Ironman. Set a goal and achieve it,” Nikke said in a post on Instagram. “Time to set a new and bigger goal for 2021.”

Nike completed the race in 16 hours 46 minutes and 9 seconds – 14 minutes under a 17 minute cutoff time.

“We are beyond inspiration, and your achievement is a defining moment in Ironman history that can never be taken away from you,” the Ironman Triathlon organization said in a joint statement. Post to Twitter.
Institute with historical race documentation A series of updates on social media On the day of the competition. Nick’s last two miles were streamed live on Ironman’s Facebook page.
Chris Nick Ironman participates in the bike part with his guide Dan Gribb during Florida.
Nick and his father Nike developed a “1 percent better challenge” to stay motivated during training. The idea is to promote Down Syndrome awareness while achieving a 1% improvement every day, according to Nick’s website.

“For Chris, this race was nothing more than just completing a finish line and celebrating the victory,” Nick said. “Ironman has served as their platform to be one step closer to their goal of living a life of contentment and leadership.”

Nick’s accomplishment received him congratulatory messages from celebrities like Tennis Great Billy Jean King And runners Cara Gaucher, And people around the world, including 33,000 new followers on social media, according to Nick.
Chris Nick and his mentor Dan Gribb, exactly, take part in the Ironman Florida run course.
Following his record-setting achievement, Nick will continue to participate in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games and raise money for the Special Olympics, Down Syndrome and RODS (for orphans with Down Syndrome) through his platform.

He wrote on Instagram, “I have achieved my goal and now I want to help others like me.”
