Irish tourists arrested for defaming Rome’s Colosseum

Tourists from all over the world travel to Rome for its ancient structures and marvels at the quality of engineering, construction and artistry.

They’re not going to see some shocks early.

The Colosseum in Rome is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  (AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino)

The Colosseum in Rome is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino)

Passers-by at the Philadelphia Airport Triaze are hiding the gun by protecting their shoes.

The Italian Carabinieri confirmed that a 327-year-old Irish tourist was detained by security at the Roman Colosseum after its beginnings were carved into a pillar earlier this week, Rome Wanted said.

According to the report, the tourist is accused of causing more severe damage to properties of historical, historical and cultural significance.

To an Irish traveler he carved an early opening in a column lam in the amphitheater.  (iStock)

To an Irish traveler he carved an early opening in a column lam in the amphitheater. (iStock)

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The incident happened just days after another tourist, a 40-year-old Polish man, was crashing a drone inside the Colosseum, the report said.

The Colosseum is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Originally known as the Flavian Amphitheater, the composition is AD 80 and has over 50,000 spectators. Despite the size of the crowd, the building can be cleaned quickly thanks to its 80 entrance arches.

The coronavirus has slowed the flow of tourists to Rome.  (AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino)

The coronavirus has slowed the flow of tourists to Rome. (AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino)
(AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino)

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Other monuments at the Roman Historic Roman Center World Heritage Site include the Forums, the Tomb of August Gustus and Hadrian, the Pantheon, the Trajans Column and the Commune of the Marcus Ruleus.

About 7.6 million tourists visited Rome last year, according to the data website. However, the coronavirus epidemic has led to a sharp drop in the number of visitors this year, leaving Americans unable to vacation in Europe.