Car seizure, Rolex watches and € 18,000 in cash after Gardai detained man at Cork checkpoint


Gardai in Cork has seized two Rolex watches, a large sum of cash and a car after stopping a driver on the north side of the city.

A wad of 50-euro banknotes, totaling 18,000 euros, the two luxury watches and the car were confiscated by Gardaí from Gurranabraher, who was carrying out a routine patrol yesterday morning.

Officers were checking cars using the Garda Mobility app on Lower Glanmire Road around 9:30 a.m. when they stopped a car.

At the roadside, Gardaí was able to determine that the car had no taxes or insurance.

A spokesperson said that after speaking with the driver, a man in his 30s, Gardaí conducted a search of his vehicle.

“During the course of the search, Gardaí seized € 18,000 in cash and two suspicious Rolex watches believed to be worth approximately € 18,000.”

“The car was also impounded under Section 41 of the Road Traffic Act for not having valid taxes / insurance.”

No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.
