Cork city center sees second protest against blockade


An anti-closure event in Cork city center has heard calls for all towns and villages in the country to organize similar protests every Monday.

A crowd of about 300 gathered for the event, which began in the city’s Grand Parade and marched down the main street to St Patrick’s Street.

Crowds of up to 300 gathered on St Patrick's Street, Cork City.

Crowds of up to 300 gathered on St Patrick’s Street, Cork City.

Speakers and performers continue to address the crowd, and the Gardaí maintains a low-key presence with some 30 uniformed officers, members of the mounted bicycle unit and plain-clothes officers observing the proceedings.

During a long-range speech, during which he attacked health restrictions, Big Pharma, and successive governments, one of the keynote speakers, Diarmaid Ó Cadhla, called on people from all towns and villages to organize peaceful protests against the lockdown. every Monday.

Diarmuid O'Cadhla calls for peaceful anti-blockade protests

Diarmuid O’Cadhla calls making peaceful protests against the shutdown “a tradition.”

“Let’s make it a tradition,” he said.

He also urged anyone who has received fines for Covid-19, not to pay them.

“If necessary, we will end up in court,” he said.

“If they want to fine us, let’s flood the courts.”

He said that only the mass movement of people and the solidarity of the people “will roll back this attack on our society.”
