Murder of George Floyd: Force Used by Police Was “Totally Unnecessary,” Says Homicide Chief Derek Chauvin Trials | US News


The force used against George Floyd on the day of his death was “totally unnecessary,” said a senior homicide officer in Derek Chauvin’s murder trial.

Chauvin, 45 years old, is accused of murder Mr floyd in Minneapolis last year kneeling on the 46-year-old man’s neck for more than nine minutes, while he lay face down in handcuffs.

Mr. Floyd was arrested after being charged with using a counterfeit $ 20 bill at a local grocery store.

In this video still, the witness, Minneapolis Police Department Lt. Richard Zimmerman David Pleoger, testifies as Hennepin County Judge Peter ... Cahill presides on Friday, April 2, 2021, at the former officer's trial. Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin at the Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis, Minn.  Chauvin is charged with the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. (Court TV via AP, Pool)
Richard Zimmerman criticized the force used during George Floyd’s death.

In a mid-day session on Friday, the jury heard Lt. Richard Zimmerman, head of the Minneapolis homicide department, say, “If your knee is in a person’s neck, that can kill him.”

Lieutenant Zimmerman, who told the court that he was trained in the use of force every year, also revealed that kneeling on a suspect’s neck was not something police officers are trained to do.

He also told the jury that when a suspect is handcuffed and lying on his front, “his muscles are pulling back … and if he is lying on his chest, that restricts his breathing even more.”

Prosecutor Matthew Frank asked the witness, “So, in your opinion, should that restriction have been stopped after he was handcuffed and thrown to the ground?

“Absolutely,” Lieutenant Zimmerman replied.

The homicide chief also told the court that officers have a duty to provide care if the suspect is in danger, even if medical help is on the way.

During cross-examination, the lieutenant was asked a series of questions about the decision-making officers use to decide how much force to use, including the location, surroundings, and condition of the suspect.

Defense attorney Eric Nelson also asked Lt. Zimmerman if a suspect in handcuffs could still pose a threat, to which he agreed that he could.

It comes just one day after Chauvin’s supervisor Said the restraint on Mr. Floyd should be over when he stopped resisting arrest.

In this video still, the witness, Minneapolis Police Sgt John Edwards, testifies as Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill presides over the trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin on Friday, April 2, 2021, in the Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis, Minn.  Chauvin is charged in the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. (Court TV via AP, Pool)
Sergeant Jon Edwards was dispatched to the scene when he began his night shift on May 25.

The court previously heard from Sergeant Jon Edwards, who attended the scene of the incident when he began his night shift with the Minneapolis Police Department.

Sergeant Edwards explained that when he arrived at 38th Street and Chicago, Officers Lane and Kueng, who will also be on trial for George Floyd’s death, were still at the scene.

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George Floyd’s brother in ‘agony’ of trial

He added that he told the couple to get out of their patrol car and leave their belongings after they were identified as “officers involved.”

Later, Kueng and Lane were taken to City Hall, according to procedure, and the patrol car was impounded.

Former police officer Chauvin has pleaded not guilty to the murder and manslaughter charges, and his defense team argued that he was only doing what he was trained to do.

Analysis: Derek Chauvin’s defense now faces a real challenge

By Sally Lockwood, US Correspondent, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The first week of the trial was accompanied by explosive testimony from Derek Chauvin’s own colleagues.

From Monday’s first witness, a 911 responder, who described calling police to police after monitoring a Derek Chauvin surveillance camera on top of George Floyd.

For the last witness of the week, one of the Minneapolis Police Department’s most respected veteran officers, who testified that Derek Chauvin used deadly force that was “totally unnecessary” and “misplaced.”

The evidence from Lt. Zimmerman’s homicide chief perhaps had the biggest impact on the prosecution, testifying that he had never been trained to kneel on the neck of someone handcuffed and in a prone position, and that a suspect must stop lying face down. as soon. as possible because it restricts your breathing.

However, video evidence shows that Derek Chauvin held George Floyd in that position for almost 9.5 minutes. Two senior officers have now testified that their actions went against police protocol; This presents a real challenge to the defense of Derek Chauvin, who are expected to argue that he was simply doing what he had been trained to do.

George Floyd Killing: The Trial – We will provide you with continuous live coverage of the court proceedings in Derek Chauvin’s trial on our website, app, YouTube and Sky Pop Up Channel at 524
