Belgian police collide with a large crowd at the April Fools’ party in Brussels park


Clashes between Belgian police and a large crowd in one of Brussels’ largest parks have left several people injured after revelers gathered for an unauthorized event despite Covid-19 restrictions.

Brussels police spokeswoman Ilse Van de keere said 22 people were arrested and several policemen were injured. He said eight people were injured, including two who were taken to hospital.

The clashes began after the police ordered the crowd to disperse towards the end of the afternoon.

An AP reporter saw people throwing bottles and other projectiles at police, who used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Van de keere said protesters damaged police vehicles and seven police horses were injured. He said the situation returned to normal in the evening.

The festival, dubbed ‘La Boum’ or ‘the party’, had been announced on social media and police warned it was a fake April Fool’s Day event.

According to the Brussels police, up to 2,000 people still showed up at the Bois de la Cambre to attend.

Large crowds have been gathering in Brussels parks this week to enjoy the unusually sunny weather, despite coronavirus restrictions that limit outdoor gatherings to four people.

The Brussels prosecutor’s office said police would be deployed at the festival and anyone who breaches the restrictions could be prosecuted.

Another event has been announced for tomorrow in another park in Brussels, promoted by a group called Abyss.

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The group said it does not question the government’s strategy, but rather fights for the rights of citizens to gather in the open air.

Belgium has reported more than 882,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 23,000 virus-related deaths.

Hospital admissions for Covid-19 have risen in recent weeks and health authorities have warned that intensive care units could reach a critical level by April 10 if the pace of new infections is not slowed.

Belgium’s current virus restrictions include a nightly curfew and a ban on non-essential international travel.
