Rape victim ‘upset and shocked’ after local businessmen gave ‘enthusiastic’ character references in support of attacker


A RAPE victim has said she is “upset and dismayed” after local businessmen gave “enthusiastic” character references in support of her attacker after he was convicted.

Last month, Conor McQuaid (26) was jailed for six and a half years for raping the woman in Kerry three years ago.

He denied the allegations, but was found guilty after a jury trial.

During the sentencing hearing, his defense attorney presented testimony in court on behalf of his client.

In a statement to RTÉ Radio 1’s Liveline On today’s show, the woman said she was “upset and dismayed” that local businessmen had supported her rapist.

The woman said McQuaid had not expressed any remorse and said she had found it difficult to perform in such a small town.

He added that it has been “a very rough few years” since the rape was first reported.

His family said they expected a statement on the victim’s impact to be read in court for the sentencing hearing and prison service referrals.

The complainant said she was “very upset and dismayed” to hear that two prominent city businessmen had submitted “enthusiastic references to reduce the sentence of a convicted rapist who shows no remorse.”

This included a local innkeeper who described McQuaid as “the greatest employee of all time.”

The woman said she suffers from panic attacks knowing that the people who live so close to her have publicly supported a rapist.

“I think the local big boys club should not be allowed to present testimony in court today,” he added.

Last month, McQuaid received an eight-year prison sentence with 18-month suspension for raping a young woman while she was sleeping in her own room.

The Central Criminal Court heard that Quaid was at the victim’s home that night, as he was a trusted friend of the family.

Judge Mary Rose Gearty said she abused this trust and noted that she has not shown any remorse since then.

Quaid, of Monaree, Dingle, Co Kerry pleaded not guilty to rape at a county location on June 10, 2018.

After a seven-day trial, a jury from the Central Criminal Court found him guilty by a majority verdict of ten to one.

The court heard that Quaid had traveled to the victim’s home after a night of drinking in a nearby town. The woman had stayed home that night, did not drink, and had gone to bed early.

Quaid went to her room and raped her in her sleep “snuggled up,” Judge Gearty said.

Defender Michael Bowman SC said his client has a medical history of alcohol dependence and since this offense he has made efforts to address this.

He said that his client’s father was a retired Garda and that his family would be well regarded and well regarded.

He delivered a series of testimonials, which he said were evidence that his client is an honest and hardworking man for whom this offense was out of place.

Judge Mary Rose Gearty said the victim had a right to safety in her own home. and that Quaid violated the sanctity of the woman’s home.

The judge said the reason he was there and knew where the victim was sleeping was due to his position as a family friend and said he had abused this trust.

She imposed an eight-year sentence and said the court had little scope to reduce this due to the absence of a guilty plea or remorse.

The judge suspended 18 months on the condition that he behaved well for three years after his release and kept away from the victim in perpetuity.

Judge Gearty said she was taking into consideration Quaid’s relative youth, his lack of previous offenses and the fact that he has struggled with and overcome an addiction to alcohol.

Irish independent
