Ireland Weather: Met Eireann warns snow could affect an area as drastic ‘wintry’ change moves


Met Eireann warns that snow could fall next week as drastic climate change is expected in the coming days.

Temperatures could drop as low as -2 ° C overnight on Easter Sunday as a cold snap and instability approaches.

However, the heat wave will not end just yet, as highs of up to 19 ° C are expected today, with the warmest temperatures likely in the Southwest.

A forecaster from Met Eireann said: “Any haze or fog will clear this morning to leave a dry day. It will be cloudy in some places at first, but periods of sunshine will develop throughout the day. Higher temperatures will range from 10 to 19 degrees “. , warmer in the southwest and cooler in the northeast and east due to a moderate wind from the east.

“It will be dry tonight with long, clear spells. Some patches of fog will develop as the northeast winds subside. Lower temperatures will range between 3 and 7 degrees overall, but it will be colder with a hint of frost on the Ulster, where temperatures will drop between -1 and +2 degrees.

“Friday will be a dry day with widespread sunshine. Highest temperatures generally 12 to 16 degrees, mildest in the southwest, but light to moderate breezes from the northeast will keep highs at around 10 to 11 degrees toward the north and east coast.

“Saturday will be another dry day with good periods of sunshine. The highest temperatures of 10-13 degrees, again cooler along the north and east coast due to a light breeze from north to northeast.

“Saturday night will be dry with clear spells, but clouds will increase in the northwest towards the morning. Some patches of haze and fog will develop. Lower temperatures of 0 to 4 degrees with light and variable breezes turning from the west later. “

Experts warn that it will become unstable and much cooler from Easter Sunday, with lows of -2 ° C forecast Sunday night, and possibly even snow in Ulster.

And colder weather is expected to remain for the rest of the week with more volatile conditions.

One forecaster added: “Sunshine in many places early Sunday, but clouds in the northwest will gradually build up to the southeast during the morning. Rain will develop in the northwest later in the morning and spread over the northern half of the country. during the afternoon and possibly further south into the evening. Afternoon temperatures will range between 8 and 13 degrees, but it will gradually get much colder from the northwest at night, so some sleet falls will be possible in Ulster. Wind gusts from west to northwest developing.

“Sunday night will be cold and windy. It will start mostly cloudy with outbreaks of rain, sleet and possibly snow in Ulster. Overnight, most areas will become dry and clear, but winter showers will persist in the north. and the northwest, with the lowest temperatures of -2 to +2 degrees with fresh to strong and gusty north winds.

“Monday will be cold and windy with spells of sunshine and scattered winter showers, mostly in the northern half of the country. Afternoon temperatures will only reach around 3 to 7 degrees and there will be an additional wind chill in cool, gusty winds from the northwest.

“It will stay cold Monday night, but the winds will be lighter, so frosts will develop in some places. There will be a mix of clear frosts and scattered winter rains, mainly in the north and west. Temperatures lower than – 2 to +2 degrees “.

“It looks like Tuesday will be another cold day with sunny spells and scattered rains, some wintry. Afternoon temperatures of 4-7 degrees with light to moderate winds from west to northwest.”
