Iran executed a dissident journalist for allegedly inciting him

Zam was convicted of “corruption on Earth”, a crime not specified, but used by the Iranian government for alleged attempts to overthrow him.

Zame ran the opposition online news site Amad News, which accused Tehran of inciting violence during deadly protests in 2017 and 2018, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported in 2019.

Reporters Without Borders said on Saturday it was “outraged by this new crime of Iranian justice.” The group campaigned to overturn Jam’s death sentence, alleging that he had been “illegally kidnapped and arrested” and “attempted in a most unjust manner.”

Zam was in exile in France when he was arrested by Iranian authorities in October 2019. The circumstances of how and where they were detained are unclear. The journalist left France on October 11, according to the French Foreign Ministry. Three days later, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps issued a statement saying it had detained him.

Following his arrest, Iranian authorities released a video of him jammed into a car wearing black-out goggles. In the video he also shows her “sorry” for her actions while sitting in front of me.

He was convicted and sentenced to death in June.

Iran has accused Zam of working with US, French and Israeli intelligence, according to Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency.

Borders without journalists say Iran has been the most oppressive country in the world for journalists for 40 years. The group says at least 860 journalists and civilian journalists have been detained or executed in Iran since 1979.
