Iran arms embargo: US has ‘never been so isolated’ | News

Iran has downplayed the vote by the UN Security Council, which rejected a US bid to extend an arms embargo on the Islamic Republic, saying Washington “has never been so isolated”.

In the Security Council’s vote on Friday, the US only received support from the Dominican Republic for its resolution to extend the arms embargo on Iran indefinitely, requiring far from the minimum nine “yes” votes for adoption. .

Eleven members on the body of 15 members, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom, remember her.

“In the 75 years of the history of the United Nations, America has never been so isolated,” tweeted Abbas Mousavi, foreign ministry spokesman.

“Despite all the travel, pressure and hawking, the United States could only mobilize a small country (to vote) with it,” he added, referring to the failed efforts of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to support a To rally U.S. resolution.

The embargo on conventional arms sales to Iran expires on October 18 under the terms of a resolution blessing the 2015 nuclear deal in Tehran and world powers.

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Responding to the vote, Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi said the Council’s message meant “no to unilateralism”.

“The US must learn from this debacle. An attempt to snap back on sanctions is illegal, and was rejected by the international community, as was clear today,” he added.

Assad Baig of Al Jazeera, reporting from Tehran, said Iran viewed the vote as a “diplomatic victory over the US”, adding that Tehran would have reacted strongly if the arms embargo had been extended.

“President Hassan Rouhani had promised a crushing response when the arms embargo was extended. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said the US approach was vigilant and unpredictable,” he said.

“The Iranians therefore see this vote as a victory and will use it to show how little support the US has in its approach to Iran.”

Prior to the vote, Iran issued a warning to the United States after it circulated the resolution extending a UN arms embargo on Tehran indefinitely.

Rouhani said there would be “consequences” if the UN Security Council backed the new US resolution.

“We have high hopes that America will fail,” Rouhani told a cabinet meeting of his cabinet on Wednesday. “We have high hopes that America will realize its failure and show its isolation.”

President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled the United States back into the nuclear deal in 2018, spanning the tensions between the longtime rivals.

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Al Jazeera and news agencies
