Investment firm Vanguard is leaving Hong Kong to focus on the China boom

Vanguard – which had more than $ 6 trillion in assets under management at the beginning of the year – said on Wednesday it would lift its presence in Hong Kong over the next two years. The return will cut jobs in Hong Kong, where Vanguard employs about 50 people.

The company also closes a sales office in Japan, although it says its products will still be available in this market.

Those companies mostly serve “institutional clients, not the individual investors who are our primary strategic focus,” Rebecca Katz, senior communications consultant at Vanguard, said in an email to CNN Business. “We believe our greatest future opportunity to help change the way the world invests is to focus on individual investors and the intermediaries who serve them.”

Beijing has strict control over Chinese capital markets, leaving small investors with few options to invest outside of property and the stock market.

Similarly, retail investment is booming: there are about 170 million individual investors in the country, an 80% jump from five years ago, according to the China Securities Depository and Clearing Company. The growth was driven in part by gains in the country’s stock markets, which recovered from a meltdown in 2015 and 2016. The Shanghai Composite (SHCOMP) index jumped 11% in July, for example.
Pennsylvania-based Vanguard has sought to attract other retail investors in the region in recent years. Katz noted that the company has a partnership in China with Ant Group – the financial subsidiary of Jack Ma’s e-commerce company Alibaba – to offer individual investors advice and portfolio management. The project has gathered “several hundred thousand” clients in the first four months of operation, they added. (Ant Group has plans to go public soon with an IPO that could be one of the largest in history.)

“Our future aspirations in Asia are to serve Chinese individual investors in mainland China,” she said.

However, the timing of Vanguard’s announcement is remarkable: Businesses have expressed concern over a controversial national security law imposed on Hong Kong by Beijing this summer that critics fear will forget the city’s unique political and legal freedoms . The financial hub has operated semi-autonomously since the United Kingdom returned it to China in 1997.

Katz said the law was not related to Vanguard’s announcement.

“Indeed, the decision to close the Hong Kong office preceded the passage of the National Security Act,” she said, adding that the move is consistent with the company’s shift from institutional business to retail investors. She pointed to Vanguard’s 2018 closure of her Singapore office as another example of the strategy.

“Let me be clear about Hong Kong,” she added. “Hong Kong is a major global financial center, and remains a major international capital market for Vanguard.”

Katz said the Hong Kong stock market will remain a “critical component” for the company’s globally diversified funds.

– Laura He contributed to this report.
