Intel announces new manufacturing method that can improve chip performance by 20%

It seems Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is preparing to create a set of Processors that will be significantly more powerful than the current products on the market.

On Thursday, Chief Architect Raja Koduri revealed that the company has created a new way of making transistors, and will use a new material to improve capacitors. These modifications, he said, should result in a maximum improvement of 20% in processor performance.

This will be “the biggest leap in the node ever in our history,” Koduri said in an interview with Reuters. “It simply came to our notice then [the] same as what you would get with one complete Moore’s Law node of performance. “

Moore’s Law, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, acknowledged and predicted what has been a decade-long pattern in the chip industry – that the number of transistor manufacturers capable of fitting a processor doubles almost every two years.

A hand that places a CPU on a motherboard.

Image Source: Getty Images.

So far, this has not been a good summer for Intel as its investors. The company, which both designs and manufactures its own chips, announced last month that its plans to make use of the next-generation, 7-nanometer chip process would be delayed by about one year from its internal target date.

Intel said it will likely try to bridge this gap by outsourcing some of its manufacturing. However, even a few months is a long time in the fast and very competitive world of processors.

The first chips produced under the new process – the Tiger Lake line for laptops – will be made using the company’s existing 10-nanometer manufacturing system. These chips are slated to roll out this fall.

Shares of Intel closed down 1.3% on Thursday, while the broad S&P 500 index slipped 0.2%.