Influenza and pneumonia have killed seven more people than Covid-19 in England and Wales in seven weeks – RT UK News

Recent statistics have revealed that dramatically more people in England and Wales have been killed seven weeks in a row by the flu and pneumonia than Covid-19.

According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, the combined death rate from influenza and pneumonia in the two constituent countries of the United Kingdom was five times higher than that of Covid-19 between 19 June and 31 July.

Influenza and pneumonia, which are normally combined to provide more accurate data on deaths due to serious respiratory illness, killed 6,626 people in England and Wales over a seven-week period. During the same period, 2,992 deaths of Covid-19 were recorded.

These figures are subject to change and may even be revised upwards, given the new framework for recording coronavirus deaths, which was carried out after months of ‘mishaps’ of record.

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It marks the first time since March that flu and pneumonia have been a more common cause of death for citizens in England and Wales than Covid-19.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the two nations registered their highest number of new cases of coronavirus in the seven-week period under control, with 1,148 infections and 102 deaths announced. In other words, however, Covid-19 deaths reached a low of 19 weeks, despite concerns about new spikes in cases, especially among those under 65, whose numbers have increased since reducing the lockdown.

The total number of cases worldwide since the pandemic began has now risen to more than 312,000. The official death toll worldwide is currently more than 46,600, but clearly this figure is fluent.

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