You will be informed by lawyer Haikal Hassan, this is Husin Shihab



Haikal Hassan plans to report Husin Alwi Shihab or Husin Shihab to the police. What is Husin Shihab’s response?

“That depends on the rights of citizens. Whatever they want to report, they just have to prove it. AHA. If I want to be considered defamed, please, “Husin said when contacted by journalists on Monday (12/28/2020).

“Or if I want to say that I made a false statement, leave it to prove what I said, what I said was true or not,” he continued.

Husin then explained about the report sent by his group to Haikal Hassan. He said he did not question Haikal Hassan’s confession about saying “I dream of meeting Rasulullah.”

However, Husin Shihab reported on Haikal Hassan’s statement about the death of 6 FPI soldiers called martyrs who were later linked to his dream of meeting Rasulullah.

“So what we are reporting is not a dream, we are also not people who do not understand the law. What is being reported is about Haikal Hassan’s statement which is linked to his dream of meeting the Prophet when his son dies,” Husin explained .

There he explained that those who died were 6 people husnul khotimah even up to twice loh speak rich I see, martyrdom. These are misleading statements that where did Haikal Hassan learn of martyrdom? Know where they are from husnul khotimah While we are of the opinion that they have committed a criminal act, they fought against the officers who were stalking, “Husin continued.

In addition, Husin also raised his voice regarding the statement made by lawyer Haikal Hassan, who said that the video evidence he attached was dismembered. According to Husin, his party did not change the video that he had attached as evidence for the report.
