Women suspected of being chosen in porn videos in Jambi are not detained, this is the police reason



Police named a woman with the initials DMP as a suspect because she was an actress in a viral porn video on Jambi. Police said DMP was not detained because he was under 18 years of age.

“Currently we cannot arrest the suspect, but this case is still ongoing,” said AKBP, Merangin Police Chief Irwan Andi Purnawan. detikcom, Tuesday (11/24/2020).

In this case, the police confiscated various evidence from the suspect, from cell phones, bank accounts, ATM cards, to a cash withdrawal receipt of Rp. 8 million.

Irwan said that this case began when the police circulated information from one of the social networks about the case of a pornographic video of a woman that was broadcast on adult applications.

“Then we do the research and get the woman safe and check it. From there we ask that the porn scene was deliberately done and streamed on the app,” Irwan said.

Previously, the video was 2 minutes and 19 seconds long. DMP admitted that it uploaded the porn video in adult apps for material gain.

“The video was filmed by the woman alone. It was then uploaded to an adult application with the aim of making a profit. The video was uploaded last February and was finally only recorded in November after being broadcast on social networks,” he said AKBP Irwan.

DMP admitted that the profit he made from the video was 8 million rupees. DMP admitted that it had only uploaded an exciting video once.

“The woman admitted that from the application, the video that was uploaded made a profit of 8 million. She got that advantage once destination video, and of the exam only one video was uploaded by the woman, “he continued.

(idh / jbr)
