Wine and beer ban won’t happen in these places


Jakarta CNBC Indonesia – The Draft Law (RUU) on the prohibition of alcoholic beverages has once again become a hot topic. The bill that was initiated by DPR and entered into the 2020-2024 national legislation program (Prolegnas) will prohibit the production, distribution and consumption of all types of alcoholic beverages.

Although the name of the bill is ‘prohibited’ in the draft, there are exceptions. There are certain places and certain activities that are not subject to restrictions that will be regulated by law.

From the documents circulating abroad, this bill clearly regulates that every person is prohibited from producing, importing, storing, distributing and / or selling and consuming alcoholic beverages of all groups. The groups range from light categories like beer to spirits like wine and others.

In the draft law that includes seven chapters and 24 articles, some of them regulate the exemption of prohibitions.

The prohibition does not apply to limited interests, including customary interests, religious rituals, tourists, pharmacy; and places allowed by legal regulations.

The places allowed by legal regulations “include duty-free shops, 5 (five) star hotels, restaurants with plates and trays, bars, pubs, discos and specialized stores that sell Alcoholic Beverages.

Furthermore, it is foreseen that the additional provisions relating to limited interests will be further regulated in a Government Regulation (PP). This is regulated in article 8 and its explanation.

As this bill is known, it is intended to include:

  • Protect the community from the negative impacts caused by Alcoholic Beverages.
  • Raise public awareness about the dangers of alcoholic beverages.
  • Create order and peace in the community from the disturbances caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

“Alcohol consumption is considered to be a factor that triggers high crime rates in various regions of Indonesia, where 58% of cases are due to drunkenness or the influence of alcoholic beverages. This condition often triggers fights / fights , alters public order, loses the feeling of security and damages social order in society ”, explains the explanation of this bill.

The consideration of this bill is made so that every citizen has the right to have a good and healthy living environment, born and prosperous, which is a fundamental right guaranteed by the state to protect the life of all Indonesians under the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945.

In addition, as an effort to achieve a good and healthy living environment and protect the community from the negative impacts of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to prohibit alcoholic beverages so that the quality of health, order, peace and security of the community is maintained. community.

What is also taken into account is that the current regulation of alcoholic beverages is still scattered in various laws and regulations and has not been regulated in a comprehensive and complete manner.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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