Whoops! The threat of Merapi before the eyes, this supernatural figure will give a signal if it will explode


PRECISION JOURNAL – Mount Merapi has increased its activity recently. Observations from the Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) show that Mount Merapi as of November 15, 2020 yesterday had experienced 91 earthquake avalanches.

Not only that, based on the results of BPPTKG observations, it shows that hybrid or multiphase earthquakes were recorded 230 times, earthquake bursts occurred 49 times, shallow volcanic earthquakes occurred 36 times, and there was a low frequency earthquake and a tectonic earthquake.

As reported by Antara, the BPPTKG observations indicate that no solfatara smoke is seen over the crater of Mount Merapi. The increased activity of Mount Merapi has resulted in this mountain being at Level III or Alert.

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Mount Merapi, which is fierce, has a number of myths and mystical stories that have developed in the community. It is said that he said, Mount Merapi is also inhabited by invisible creatures or also known as alus (spirits).

Local residents living around Mount Merapi have beliefs related to sacred or enchanted places.

These places are believed to be guarded by unflappable spirits. Not only that, it is also believed that these places are guarded by supernatural powers that must be respected.

The residents of the place refrain from activities such as felling trees, grazing or collecting and moving objects in the area.

Also read: Mount Merapi activity increases, the appearance of these 2 animals could be a sign that the volcano will soon erupt
