Where did the gold fountain suddenly appear on the coast of central Maluku? This is all assumption from the page’s experts


KOMPAS.com – Residents of Tamilow Village, Amahai District, Central Maluku Regency, Central Maluku Province, have flocked to search for gold after the discovery of gold grains off the coast of the village.

Residents use makeshift tools to search for gold. As a result, there were residents who received up to 10 grams of gold.

Gold panning activities are usually carried out in rivers. Can you find gold on the coast?

Also read: Initially, see the glitter on the coast, when it rises it turns out to be gold

Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) Ambon geologist Dr. Zain Tuakia said this phenomenon could occur.

“It is possible if there is a source upstream (upstream). So if, for example, in a mountain there is (gold), it can be eroded and washed by the water to the bottom. If there is no source, there must be no source. “Zain said to Kompas.com, Tuesday (23/3/2021).

Also read: A series of facts about the search for gold grains on the coast, expert explanations to the Regent’s warning to residents.

Zain explained that, in general, gold is found under harder rocks, such as quartz or malihan in mountainous areas.

The gold minerals in these hard rocks are formed from primary deposits.

So the gold in the form of smaller grains off the coast of Tamilow Village was formed due to the presence of more plasticized deposits.

“So in this water it is upstream. The point is that there is erosion and then it is washed away and deposited in rivers and so on. So if the mouth of the river reaches the beach, it will also reach the beach, that is called plaser type. So the secondary formation is related to the sand sediment in the river and the beach, “he explained.

Primary deposits are found in the form of gold grains in rocks that are generally found in quartz rock or in the form of minerals that are formed as a result of the magmatism process.

However, there are also primary deposits formed by the process of metasomaticism and the presence of hydrothermal activity at the bottom of the earth.

The result of this primary deposition is commonly known as metallic gold.

Meanwhile, more plasticized deposits or better known as secondary deposits are found among the erosion of gold-containing rocks due to oxidation and the influence of water circulation on the primary sediment.

Generally, the result of gypsum deposits is alluvial gold in the form of a mineral slightly larger than common metallic gold and has a coarse texture.

According to Zain, the discovery of gold grains off the coast of Tamilow Village indicated a secondary deposition of gypsum.

Typically, gold discovery in rivers or beaches occurs because there is erosion in the primary sediment sources found on higher ground.

“In fact it (the gold) is like its grains in the sand deposits in the coastal rivers and at the foot of the hills. So, if this sediment is generally washed away. Usually, if we get it here (the coast) we usually indicate it. Or suspecting that there must be a source above. The primary source, for example, like when we got a rock at that time, it was dragged down the mountain, for example like this, “said Zain, who is also the Secretary from Indonesia. Maluku Regional Management Geologists Association.

Zain added that, from the geological map, the mountainous area around the village has a rock type from Malihan that has the potential to contain gold minerals.

“If I look at the geological map here, all the rocks are looking up towards the mountains. Malihan or metamorphic rocks in which the orogenic type of gold is formed are primary and then the water is eroded and then washed down the river to the coast. “. he said.

Reported to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

The head of the Maluku Province Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Fauzan Chatib, admitted that he had just heard the information on the whereabouts of the gold from the regional secretary.

He has seen videos of citizens searching for gold on the beach through social media.

However, he has not received an official report from the Maluku Central Regency Government on the veracity of the gold discovery.

“We have not received an official report from the central Makuku district government regarding the truth. I just found out and saw the video in the WA group. So if there is an official report from the Central Maluku regional government about the truth of this matter, we will report it to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources so that it can take more measures “, he said. Kompas.com over the phone.

Fauzan added that according to Law Number 3 of 2020, the authority in the coal and minerals sector has become the authority of the central government and is no longer the authority of the province.(Contributor to Ambon Rahmat Rahman Patty | Editor Dheri Agriesta)
