When Sukmawati started a controversy: PKI embraces Pancasila


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) which is often narrated as a terrifying specter for most Indonesian people, in fact it is said not to be denied Pancasila like the ideology of the state. This opinion was expressed directly by the daughter of the first president of Indonesia, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri.

Sukmawati said that the PKI did not adhere to communism like the Soviet Union or China did at the time.

“As far as I know, according to senior members of PNI figures, at that time they gave me information or knowledge. They said that the PKI did not reject Pancasila,” Sukmawati said, quoted in a broadcast from the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC ), on Tuesday (29/9)

“So what is the PKI’s ideology? In fact, the ideology is Pancasila. It is from a high-ranking figure who has passed away. So why is it a problem? The PKI is Pancasila’s ideology,” he continued.

PA 212 President Slamet Maarif denied Sukmawati’s statement. He hinted that the Indonesian proclaimer’s daughter will learn more about Indonesian history.

According to Slamet, the PKI clearly carried the ideology of communism.

“Not [Pancasila] the H. Inconsequential him. The PKI is the ideology of communism. They tell us to learn a lot by reading Busuk (Bu Sukmawati), “Slamet told CNNIndonesia.com on Wednesday (9/30).

PA 212 Undersecretary General Novel Bamukmin asked Sukmawati for proof that the PKI embraced Pancasila’s ideology.

If the PKI is shown to embrace Pancasila, according to Novel, it could be proof that the PKI still exists today, as Sukmawati claimed.

At the ILC, Sukmawati mentioned the possibility of PKI cadres operating clandestinely today. However, he could not confirm whether they adopted the Pancasila ideology like their predecessors.

Novel himself did not believe that the PKI would adhere to Pancasila. He claimed that ever since Sukarno embraced him through the jargon of Nationalist, Religion, Communist (Nasakom), the PKI was trying to cut off the divine element in Pancasila.

According to Novel, efforts to remove divine precepts are still going on today. One of them, he continued, was carried out by Sukmawati herself, whom she considered to be often insulting to the teachings of Islam.

He then alluded to Sukmawati’s statement comparing Prophet Muhammad SAW to President Sukarno.

For example, Novel said, Sukmawati’s statement compared Prophet Muhammad SAW to the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno. Sukmawati has also been reported in several cases. Namely, a poem entitled ‘Mother of Indonesia’ in which a fragment of the verse alludes to singing and the call to prayer.

“Everyone criminalized. Pancasila, a sense of communism, is being realized right now by the president of BPIP, who said that religion is the great enemy of Pancasila,” Novel said.

Asvi Warman Adam, a historian at the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI), agrees with Sukmawati. He was referring to the events that occurred during the 1957 Constituent Assembly.

In the Constituent Sessions, the participants voted on the constitution and the bases of the state.

Asvi revealed that in the vote several parties such as the PNI, PKI and others chose Pancasila as the state base. On the other hand, Islamic parties have different options.

“I don’t want this to become a new furor. The PKI in the 1957 Constituent Assembly determined that the basis of the state was indeed to support Pancasila, while the Islamic parties chose Islam as the basis of the state,” Asvi said. to CNNIndonesia.com, Wednesday (9/30).

(tst / wis)

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