What was the reason why the perpetrator stabbed Sheikh Ali Jaber? This is Inspector General Purwadi’s explanation


Monday, September 14, 2020 – 05:24 WIB

What was the motive of the perpetrator for stabbing Sheikh Ali Jaber?  Here is Inspector General Purwadi's explanation - JPNN.com

Kapolda Lampung, Inspector General Pol Purwadi Arianto (left) and Kapolresta Bandarlampung Kombes Pol Yan Budi Jaya (right) in Mapolresta Bandarlampung on Sunday evening. Photo: ANTARA / Dian Hadiyatna

jpnn.com, BANDARLAMPUNG – Noted academic Syekh Ali Jaber was stabbed while attending an event at the Falahuddin Mosque in Sukajawa Village, Tanjung Karang Barat (TKB) District, Bandarlampung City, Sunday afternoon (9/13) around 17:20.

The Lampung Regional Police are still conducting a psychological examination of the perpetrator of the stabbing of Syekh Ali Jaber, whether the person in question actually suffers from a mental disorder or the recognition of his parents or not.

“According to the testimony of the parents, he suffers from mental disorders. However, the police cannot accept this confession,” Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Purwadi Arianto said at the Bandarlampung Police Station on Sunday (13 / 9) at night.

The stabbing of Syekh Ali Jaber by an unknown person occurred on Sunday afternoon around 5:20 pm while conducting the Million Hafidz program in Lampung at Falahuddin Mosque in Sukajawa village, Tanjung Karang district. Barat (TKB), city of Bandarlampung.

The police, in this case the Krimanal Detective Unit (Satreskrim) of the Bandarlampung Police, were proactive in inviting doctors from the psychiatric hospital to examine the psychology of the perpetrators.

“At this time, the initial observation of the perpetrator has taken place and tomorrow we (the Lampung police investigators, ed) will officially give a visa to a psychiatric hospital for further examination,” he said.

Furthermore, on Sunday night, the perpetrator of the stabbing of Sheikh Ali Jaber was also subjected to a urine test that was negative for the influence of prohibited items.

Kapolda also said that during the mental examination in question today at the psychiatric hospital, the police will also summon a psychiatrist from the Lampung Regional Medical and Health Police (Biddokkes).



