What can we learn from Pinisi’s boat manufacturers? Take a look at Mr. Jafar’s history of Pinisi’s boat making, come on! – All pages


Bobo.id – In the program Knowing the Bugis Makassar community in the program Know the Makassar Bugi Society On Wednesday May 13, 2020, we were also invited to see the Pinisi boat manufacturing.

Not only how to do it, there are also impressions about Mr. Muhammad Jafar, the pinisi boat maker.

What can we learn from Mr. Muhammad Jafar, the pinisi boat maker?

Come on, let’s find out about pinisi boat manufacturers and pinisi boat making process!

The story of Mr. Muhammad Jafar, Pinisi Boat Maker

In prints Learn from home This time, we were invited to meet Mr. Jafar, a traditional pinisi boat entrepreneur.

It still retains the manufacture of pinisi boats despite being over 90 years old.

In addition to making big pinisi boats, he also makes smaller boats, folks.

The pot is a little pajamas and there is a bigger patorani pot. Both ships are also typical ships of the Bugis Makassar tribe.

Also read: How to make Pinisi boats, typical Makassar Bugis boats that have been around for hundreds of years

You know? Jafar and his team have made two pinisi sailboats to ship to Australia, lo and behold.

There, the pinisi ship became a museum collection. Cold!

Pak Jafar also made a pinisi boat ordered by the Japanese. The ship was called “Love the Sea”.

Not only the countries close to Indonesia, the pinisi boat made by Mr. Jafar and his team was also sent to Belgium, folks!

Pak Jafar manufactures pinisi boats that have been passed down from generation to generation.

So if you are going to make a pinisi pot, Mr. Jafar chooses the best wood from the forest and then takes it to the pot production site.

The time required to make this pinisi pot varies, some can be completed quickly, which are several months. But it has also been there for a year.

To work on a big boat, Mr. Jafar generally needs the help of 10 people, friends.

Also read: This is the greatness of the Makassar Bugis, TVRI Home Classes 4-6 Elementary Schools Learning Materials

The tradition of making Makassar Bugis Pinisi Boat

The Pinisi ship has been made for hundreds of years by the Makassar Bugis tribe, friends.

Before making a boat, there was a ritual.

For example, the wood for making the pinisi pot should be collected every five to seven steps every month.

Then the sacrifice is made before the ship is made.

However, according to Mr. Jafar, this ritual is not always performed in the present.

Traits that we can emulate from Mr. Jafar

Pak Jafar is proud to be a manufacturer of pinisi boats included in the world cultural heritage. Because he is part of the boat maker.

According to his son, Mr. Jafar used to study alone until primary school. However, he has a broad mind, folks.

Furthermore, Mr. Jafar also played a role in the uprising of his native area, namely Tanah Beru as Butta Panritta Lopi.

Also read: Overview and impressions on the Makassar Buginese Society knowledge, Learning from TVRI House, May 13, 2020

Butta Panritta Lopi means the shipbuilders of Earth, friends.

You know? Nickname “panritta“In fact, the Bugis community gives itself to someone who is truly an expert in their field.

Furthermore, Mr. Jafar is a simple figure, despite the fact that he has the role of making the name of the Indonesian people proud by exhibiting pinisi boats in various countries of the world.

Wow, great, yes, Mister Jafar, who works to preserve the tradition of making pinisi boats! We must imitate the spirit of preserving this tradition, friends!

Also read: On vacation in Makassar? Don’t forget the Bantimurung Butterfly Museum


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