Visiting PP Muhammadiyah, AHY refuses to comment on Moeldoko


TEMPO.CO, Yogyakarta – Democratic Party Chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) visited the Muhammadiyah Central Board office in Yogyakarta on Saturday April 3, 2021. After meeting with PP Muhammadiyah Chairman Haidar Nashir, AHY was reluctant and he did not want to discuss practical politics. Especially speaking of Moeldoko who wanted to remove him from the leadership reins of the Mercy Star party.

“For practical political news on today Just different. I really respect the PP Muhammadiyah office, which we must protect. Don’t let it look like you are getting into practical politics, “AHY said at PP Muhammadiyah’s office in Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Yogyakarta.

According to AHY, he went to PP Muhammadiyah to discuss with his management. There are four points discussed and discussed, namely, questions of nationality and future expectations. He appreciates Muhammadiyah’s attitude and struggle to continue to strengthen unity in this country.

Four points become Haidar Nashir’s message, namely, how to defend constitution-based democracy. “We know that we will continue to face the tests and challenges of democracy. This includes during this pandemic. In the future we hope to maintain democracy in the spirit of relying on the current constitution,” he said.

Another thing that was discussed was related to Pancasila. Pancasila, which has become a decision of the nation, must be properly maintained and implemented. “Let’s not easily suggest Pancasila, even if we don’t actually implement its values. We hope that Pancasila doesn’t just become a label,” he added.

DThe question, AHY said, also continued on the question of religious and ethical values ​​in the life of society, nation and state that must be upheld. “We want Indonesia to remain noble and maintain its identity at all times. Although we know that in the midst of the times with extraordinary technology, the policy that is based on repeated lies is very easy to believe is new and new. truths. incite our society. This is dangerous and divisive, “AHY said.

AHY came with the secretary general of the Democratic Party, Teuku Riefky Rasya and the chairman of the Democratic Party of the Yogyakarta Special Region of the DPD, Heri Sebayang. Meanwhile, Haedar Nashir met with the AHY group with the general secretary of the PP, Muhammadiyah Agung Danarto. During the discussion there was also Buya Syafii Maarif, former president of PP Muhammadiyah, online.


Also read: AHY called Building a party is not easy, many people want shortcuts
