Viral video Ms. Ida shows her underwear on the streets of Magelang city, this is the fact page.

[ad_1] – The video of a driver with the initials S (32) showing his underwear in Magelang City is the center of public attention.

Citizens also asked the driver, known as Mbak Ida, to clarify his action.

Meanwhile, the police explained that S was a man who had the nickname Mbak Ida.

Currently, S and his colleague, R (24), who recorded the video of the action, have been secured and interrogated.

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Here are the full facts:

1. He was mistaken for a woman

After it went viral, police immediately located the two Magelang City residents.

The head of the Magelang City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Dewa Gede Ditya Krisnanda, said that S and R are male.

“Yes, a man matches his KTP,” Dewa said in a short message via WhatsApp to journalists on Thursday (9/17/2020).

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2. Show your underwear on the street

As is known, R registered S while riding a motorcycle with the registration AA 3889 JA.

In that video, S suddenly pulled up her skirt and clearly showed the back of her underwear.

Meanwhile, S seems to have done the action twice on different roads.
The police are also investigating the motive for the action carried out by S.

“We are currently clarifying suspects of knowing or being related to the incident,” said Magelang City Police Chief AKBP Nugroho Ari Setyawan.

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3. Outstanding citizens

After being uploaded by the TikTok account @vanyalevina, the S action went viral.

Various videos re-upload videos to social media, including popular entertainment account @lambe_turah

Warganet also urged the driver to provide clarification because his action was deemed inappropriate and dangerous.

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One of them is the Instagram account @polsekmagelangselatan who also uploaded the video accompanied by a caption that says:

‘Come on Mba Ida, clarify your viral video so that the Internet user does not misinterpret it and no one follows your steps that serve (harm).

As of Thursday afternoon (9/17/2020), the video on that account had been viewed more than 2 million times and was flooded with thousands of comments from netizens.

(Author: Magelang Contributor, Ika Fitriana | Editor: Khairina)
