Viral call for Azan Jihad, police move to Petamburan


Illustration. Photo: pixabay, JAKARTA – Police are investigating the truth of a video that contains a person calling for prayer and inserting the phrase ‘hayya alal jihad’.

Azan’s call for jihad allegedly occurred in various mosques.

To ensure this, the police moved to the mosques around Petamburan, Tanah Abang, in central Jakarta.

This is because in the narrative of the video it is written that the call was a response from several residents to the police summoning Habib Rizieq Shihab in connection with the crowd case in Petamburan.

“Regarding the video, we will review (the alleged call to jihad in Petamburan),” Kapolsek Metro Tanah Abang AKBP Singgih Hermawan said when contacted on Tuesday (1/12).

Singgih explained that his party had yet to receive any reports of calls for jihad in the Petamburan mosques, although he made sure to continue to consult with the public directly.

In addition to checking, his party is also coordinating with local security forces to ensure conditions remain favorable.

“We from Polsek always call for community service through Bhabinkamtibmas with Babinsa to the community members who are there,” he added.
